Shoebox computer
Last year when I was working on my computers, I had a whole pool of parts and things but not enough cases to go around. So, one day I decided (partly out of cheapness and partly out of me wanting to freak people out) to build one of the computers in a shoebox that I had laying around. It never got done (couldn't find the power button or get the fan wire reconnected), but I am considering trying again.
Any of you done simeting like that, just for the hell of it (or to see how many strange looks you get)?
Any of you done simeting like that, just for the hell of it (or to see how many strange looks you get)?
Personally, I'm not a fan of stuff like this as I feel it's mistreating hardware and there's nothing to learn from it, and it's a potential fire hazard to boot. I do understand the novelty, but I'd much rather build a cool computer in a sleek case than something like this.
Projects section down the right hand side has some good ideas for you.
Also I think it was Asus made a cheap case you built from the motherboard box that was shipped in.
If I was going to do a novel custom build, I'd have to say one of these sleek computers integrated into a desk with a nice glass top would be sweet. I don't have the skill to do that sort of modding though...I don't even own a Dremel.
Both of these are small low powered ARM systems you can put a variety of Linux distros on. I have a few RasPi's and they're pretty cool.
I'll only post a few for now, don't want to flood this with too many images. They are typically giant messes inside due to the amount of stuff crammed in...
You get the idea, I've also done N64, Gamecube, and Playstation
My systems pretty much sip power and tend to draw 20-30W max I think.
I was thinking to do a console mod again but with a ras-pi.