DX issues with Thinkpad 600E

edited September 2014 in Hardware
Hi all, got a little Thinkpad 600E from a relative who was going to throw it out, and I have heard of people getting some sort of 3D acceleration going, does anyone here know anything about it? I can list the specs if you'd like, though the important part is that its card is a Neomagic MagicMedia256AV. Like I said, any help would be nice, even if it is just "No, you can't do that, you're dumb".



  • I have a number of working ThinkPads myself, though bit older than yours. They have similar Neomagic video cards as well. I'd find it unlikely to run OpenGL games on those cards. They were the equivalent of S3 PCI video cards in PCs back then, i.e. not that powerful. You'd be able to run some 3D games where there's the option of software acceleration.
  • According to Thinkwiki, 3D acceleration isn't supported, but whether that's in general or just the drive for Linux (seeing as how thinkwiki is pretty centered around Linux)
  • Alrighty, guess I'll be giving up on it for any 3D gaming. Web browsing seems to be alright ish on it, better than some newer devices I have used. Typing this on the 600E right now, in fact.
  • You should be able to get something on a limited scale with early DirectX on Win9x. Those were indeed awful cards but they should provide at least a little something on the software of the era.

    What *are* you running on that anyway?
  • I've got 2000 on it, which is what was on it when it was handed to me. Seems to actually be somewhat zippier than expected, which is nice, I guess. Not really intending to use it for serious purposes, as I have got actually recent computers at my disposal, just thought it'd be fun to play with, and it was puzzling when I found out that not even zdoom would run.
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