[OFFER] Visual Studio .NET (2002)?

I can offer Visual Studio .NET (2002), but I'm not sure if it's suitable here since I got it from a torrent.
The problem is that the torrent is close to dying, with only one or two seeders remaining. Another issue is the CDs' annoying file format (.ccd), which I managed to convert to .iso. It includes Service Pack 1.


  • Roughly how large is this?

    I have a proper set of 2003 discs somewhere and I recall that being at least 3 CDs without MSDN.
  • It's quite big - 2.15 GB, decompressed. Haven't tried compressing to .7z yet.
  • this is one rip I have:
    $ pwd; ls; md5 *
    /mnt/down/Software/Visual Studio/VS2003
    Install_Disc_1.iso         Install_Prereq.iso         MSDN_Lib_Oct03_2.iso
    Install_Disc_2.iso         MSDN_Lib_Oct03_1.iso       MSDN_Lib_Oct03_3.iso
    MD5 (Install_Disc_1.iso) = 6de850fc58682ef15075026dac36cbf3
    MD5 (Install_Disc_2.iso) = 61d8bcd08216817d43d2a823332f4a0e
    MD5 (Install_Prereq.iso) = bfbfb4fc3808fc3eb3a6caf9866ad49d
    MD5 (MSDN_Lib_Oct03_1.iso) = 7d98e518cc675fb90c8fa874f16de39e
    MD5 (MSDN_Lib_Oct03_2.iso) = bd231ac43492fde9029b88a538772245
    MD5 (MSDN_Lib_Oct03_3.iso) = 80ef9860f79e94a2c5f067ed0eeee7eb
  • edited October 2014
    If that would help anyone, the sizes with MD5 checksums for each version (2002 and 2003) are as follows. They were pulled directly from MSDN:
    [Path] / filename                              MD5 sum		         		       Size (bytes)
    [K:\Microsoft\Developer Tools\Visual Studio .NET 2002\]
    en_visio_ent_arch_iso.img                      bdd5ef7dd842d9be3a11b2ce3e38829c	307,838,976
    EN_VS.NET_ENT_ARCH_CD1.iso.img                 6389d2e431bee7b6ece0784269da1721   667,662,336
    EN_VS.NET_ENT_ARCH_CD2.iso.img                 f77219e957681c9baa9f7251f6442daf   617,760,768
    EN_VS.NET_ENT_ARCH_CD3.iso.img                 66874e241082a07e4fbe85a3bd2c1454   651,249,664
    EN_VS.NET_ENT_ARCH_CD4.iso.img                 99625f069d635b0485d765d514632e0a    38,019,072
    en_vs.net_ent_dev_cd1_iso.img                  9a9f2ef27b0dbfbfebb29e7b34f67d10   667,568,128
    en_vs.net_ent_dev_cd2_iso.img                  c010c291f62dacdddb27009e6eb11e17   618,590,208
    en_vs.net_ent_dev_cd3_iso.img                  4a4b16660bd9c36a0a7450002976e497   650,555,392
    en_vs.net_ent_dev_cd4_iso.img                  512ee8a354a9edb9376785703748bfb1    38,019,072
    en_vs.net_pro_cd1_iso.img                      3c2d9a0fd1a9f8c58243b840d30e8138   665,919,488
    en_vs.net_pro_cd2_iso.img                      35538800c25ad50983fafc8da4f75abc   603,916,288
    en_vs.net_pro_cd3_iso.img                      910ecfa1e4c4809159a2e45a246b6f88   650,692,608
    en_vs.net_pro_cd4_iso.img                      b44245a0dd98c22917197dc4db196bf3    27,836,416
    en_vs.net_windows_component_update_for...*     9de1e568b55af562b1d26f338c9b6f80   366,671,872
    	            		         Total size:	6,572,300,288 bytes (6.12GB)
    Enterprise Architect ISO sizes (First 5):	2,282,530,816 bytes (2.13GB)
     Enterprise Developer ISO sizes (Next 4):	1,974,732,800 bytes (1.84GB)
         	 Professional ISO sizes (Next 4):	1,948,364,800 bytes (1.81GB)
    * - en_vs.net_windows_component_update_for_visual_studio_net_x86_dvd.iso
    [K:\Microsoft\Developer Tools\Visual Studio .NET 2003\]
    en_office_2003_vsto.iso                        c379c25d9db2f0a041fe5ae57e7edad3	  2,869,248
    en_visio_ent_arch_2003.iso                     b5ebc24a61ba6b5580ce531a6d08a447   231,477,248
    en_vs.net_2003_enarch_cd1.iso                  6de850fc58682ef15075026dac36cbf3   667,529,216
    en_vs.net_2003_enarch_cd2.iso                  c506e0122cc2f4ee7986f73fec93fd63   472,555,520
    en_vs.net_2003_ent_cd1.iso                     4b98090f2e45ac001c8e165298259a04   667,533,312
    en_vs.net_2003_ent_cd2.iso                     dd518012b538287c4da9f6024757d0c3   472,555,520
    en_vs.net_2003_ent_full.exe                    5445911ab9d3b436ba525484fc000def   613,275,136
    en_vs.net_2003_prereq.iso                      bfbfb4fc3808fc3eb3a6caf9866ad49d   169,119,744
    en_vs.net_2003_pro_cd1.iso                     98a11c0f16bdb282e06ccbb768403a7a   680,075,264
    en_vs.net_2003_pro_cd2.iso                     6c0629a3f3a8b67f2aeee8216ebb7495   433,217,536
    			     Total size:	4,410,207,744 bytes
  • Sorry for the *bump*. Anyway, I managed to compress the disc images and their size is now 1.45GB. I also have a separate SP1 archive which is 88.2MB. I can upload both tomorrow, when I go to school. Using my home network to upload will be unreal.

    Just to clarify, I have the Professional edition, and I converted the .ccd images to .iso images using Alcohol 120% (to mount .ccd) and ImgBurn, so the MD5 sums may not match.
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