MS DOS 6.22 - Menu/Programme Control Systems

edited December 2014 in Software
Does anyone have any views on the practicability, usefulness of the "ToyBox Menu System" or any suggestions about what is a good menu/file control for use with ms dos 6.22?


  • You may want to try the WordPerfect Office Shell.

    It can be downloaded from

    I use this daily in vDOS

  • edited December 2014
    WordPerfect Shell was nice on my old 286 back in the day until I found out about DOS Shell. After that I started to write my own shell system using tools and utilities from DOS itself. Just wrote a simple BATCH script with EDIT or QBasic and added some code for CHOICE.COM and such.
  • I always liked Brown Bag Software's Power Menu. Although its built in file manager only works well on smaller drives. (It loads all directories in to memory at once, try that on a 1tb drive!)
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