Software Spotlight: IBM Storyboard

edited November 2014 in Software


IBM Storyboard is kind of an interesting program for early IBM PCs. It is a simple business-oriented animation tool. One might use it to produce a sales floor looping advertisement, or import graphs for a presentation. There are various methods of transitions or stepping through items.

The first version appears to have been released in 1983 by IBM under the name "PC Storyboard". In later version the name was modified to "IBM storyboard Plus" and "Storyboard Live!". Some text strings in the Storyboard plus installer suggest earlier version were copy protected.

Apparently the Picture Maker component is related to IBM Drawing Assistant.

Storyboard supports CGA 4-color graphics, but the later Live and Plus versions can use EGA and VGA 16 or 256 color modes. The Live version supports 640*480*256 color video, but only with an IBM 8514/A video card.

The later versions support acquiring video images from various video capture devices, and the Live version supports sound.

The Story and Picture editors use a Mac-like GUI, with the Live version giving a more OS/2 2.x like appearance. It uses odd keyboard shortcuts, and some mouse actions use non-standard conventions.

Even the text-mode menu and setup are kind of wonkey. Plus does not default to using a mouse, and you must look carefully in the setup to make sure you are pressing the right key (F10) to accept and save the changes - which differs from the other setup options.
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