
edited January 2015 in Software

I've downloaded it and tested it.

Of course no problem to run.
But I found that file - "ZURICH.FNT" seems to be missing on Disk Image.
I've tried to install the file to HDD by using INSTALL.BAT from Disk A:

The result is as follows if ZURICH.FNT is missing on Disk Image.

"Installation was NOT successful."
"The disk, BANNER doesn't exist or is too"
"full to hold BannerMania's files."

"Please free up at least 360K on C: or"
"install BannerMania on a different disk."

I wonder original disk is missing "ZURICH.FNT" and it is normal.

So to get the answer, I've ordered Banner Mania (Dual Media 3.5" and 5.25").


  • I seem to recall it ocasionally asking for some extra fonts when I tested it out. Wasn't sure if there was something missing or if it was optional stuff. And the installer batch file won't work with DOSBox since it isn't 100% command compatible.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Oh, nice, adblock is blocking the screen shots because of the word "banner"
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    I seem to recall it ocasionally asking for some extra fonts when I tested it out. Wasn't sure if there was something missing or if it was optional stuff. And the installer batch file won't work with DOSBox since it isn't 100% command compatible.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Oh, nice, adblock is blocking the screen shots because of the word "banner"

    I've also tested on PCE (IBM PC Emulator).

    The problem is uploaded Disk image is missing "ZURICH.FNT"

    I've downloaded BannerMania ripped file including "ZURICH.FNT" and put on disk 1.
    Installation works correctly.

    But I don't know uploaded one is dumped from original correctly.

    I ordered BannerMania on Amazon. (Both 3.5" and 5.25" Dual Media.)
  • I seem to recall it ocasionally asking for some extra fonts when I tested it out. Wasn't sure if there was something missing or if it was optional stuff. And the installer batch file won't work with DOSBox since it isn't 100% command compatible.

  • Now I've uploaded both 3.5" and 5.25" Floppy version from my original disks.

    *BannerMania ... 54D21A8599

    Unfortunately, already uploaded one is not dumped correctly.

    They're re-dumped from original disks.

    Attached content : 2 Disk Image (5.25" 360KB / 3.5" 720KB) + 2 Diskette Arts

    SHA1:20ddd8145cd9e13eed138dcdbe9a301fa38ec7fe / DISK1.IMG

    SHA1:3f3a0b60768730e7c955feef5893a509f02db6e7 / DISK1.IMG
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