Windows 10/IE suggestion

edited December 2014 in Software ... tabs-in-ie

Dropped the following suggestion for side tabs in the next IE and your votes can help. If you have never used the Tree style tab in Firefox do it now and see why side tabs are totally better for productivity.

Since Firefox is turning into a dog, Chrome has no interest in implementing this and has enough problems of it's own, and IE's rendering engine being actually useful/modern now this really could make me jump over to IE for daily usage.


  • I didn't know side tabs were a thing, but the reasoning is sound. I voted.

    Side tabs reminded me of times when I used taskbar on the right. It was extremely useful at a time when I wasn't aware that text editors with tabs exist.
  • Never knew that side tabs existed, but trying the tree style tab on Firefox, I wish I knew about this sooner. You have my vote.
  • I'm guessing this is an extension?

    I seem to recall there being one or two browsers back in the day that included this. I could see how it'd be useful if you had a ton of tabs open, but I usually keep my tab count fairly small.

    I abandoned Firefox a while ago. Not only as my daily browser, but I got rid of it even as a secondary browser. Their new chrome-wannabe interface drove me nuts. Also, with every new release, it seemed like I had to download another extension to restore functionality they removed.

    So I've since replaced Firefox with Palemoon and haven't regretted it at all.
  • You know it is bad when *I* get annoyed by Firefox.

    My day to day browser is an older version of SeaMonkey, but every time I go to one of my test/dev machines with Firefox I cringe each time it updates. It seems like every single time I have to wonder what part of the UI it is going to fuck up, and then waste time googling for an extension to put it back the way it damn was. Just switched one of those to a newer SeaMonkey, and I'll get around to trying Palemoon one of these days.

    Anyway, with the bizarre popularity of short-screen monitors it makes good sense to put menus/toolbars/tabs/etc on the left or right of a window... As long as they don't screw it up and forget to make it an easily switchable option.
  • Voted up even though I don't see myself using IE anytime soon.

    I switched back from Pale Moon to Firefox when v25.0 was released. They are sticking with the 24.xx ESR codebase and since then Pale Moon has it's own identifier and started giving me endless compatibility problems with addons, which are one of the main reasons I stick with Firefox or derivatives. I also make use of Firefox Sync, and Pale Moon is no longer compatible with the official Mozilla server, and I wasn't able to get it working with the sync server the dev is running for Pale Moon so I just said fuck it and reinstalled Firefox.

    Fortunately Classic Theme Restorer takes care of pretty much everything I dislike about the 'new' Firefox. It's not perfect but I find it more tolerable than the bugs I was getting using Pale Moon.
  • It's not too bad I did a classic theme restore / side tab combo and I'm fine with it. It just seems like Firefox is becoming more of a dog and the all-tabs-in-one-process model has very much shown it's age. There's a reason IE, Chrome and Safari all don't do it.
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