PC World - Windows: The New PC Standard

edited December 2014 in Software
I happen to have a May 1989 PC World where they proclaim Microsoft Windows as "The New PC Standard". They showcase a number of Windows 2 products, and lump them together with some ads showing products running on Windows 2. Google Books doesn't have this, so I decided to scan in the relevant pages.

On a side note, since Google only makes certain magazines public, sites like Wikipedia tend not to use unarchived print magazines as sources. This can sometimes give research a sort of one-sided view.

Any rate, here are the pages I scanned. I don't have time to scan the entire thing, and don't want to tare up this magazine any further. There is really lots of other good info in this magazine, such as a review of Alpha Four, reviews of then current VGA cards, some database application reviews, and lengthy lists of software products for sale.


Large cover page:

Page 069, CAM viewpoint

Page 071, Mitsubishi Laptop

Page 147, Eltec Research Computer

Page 151, Windows Special Report

Page 152, Bridge 386, hDC Windows Express, and Metz Command Post

Page 153, continued

Page 154, Ad for Zsoft PC Paintbrush for Windows

Page 155, AMI 1.0

Page, 156, Xerox Presents

Page 157, Ad for Whitewater Actor programming language

Page 158, Windows Express

Page 159, Ad for Samna AMI

Page 160, Windows Express continued, Adobe Illustrator

Page 161, Ad for Seiko Instruments

Page 162, Adobe Illustrator continued

Page 163, Ad for Microsoft Mouse and Windows 286 bundle.

Page 164, Ad for Clickart clipart

Page 165, Ad for hDC Windows Express


  • Neat, thanks for sharing!
  • Clearly proves all those so-called "historians" false when saying that Windows didn't succeed until Windows 3.0 (infact, one of the major reasons behind Windows 3.0's success was with users upgrading from Windows 2.0, Windows/286 2.1, and Windows/386 2.1).

    By the way, if we find any of the software mentioned in this article, it would be very nice to see it archived and properly preserved in its original form, thanks.
  • Clearly proves all those so-called "historians" false when saying that Windows didn't succeed until Windows 3.0 (infact, one of the major reasons behind Windows 3.0's success was with users upgrading from Windows 2.0, Windows/286 2.1, and Windows/386 2.1).
    You need to keep the perspective in mind. PC World, like most magazines were basically just 200 page advertisements. They usually tried to make products look "good" or "successful", because vendors payed them good money to do just that.

    At the time, calling Windows the "The New PC Stnadard" was a bit of an outrageous claim. But, you see, it was a claim people were looking for. That's why I posted this. A developer in 1989 or earlier would have been pulling their hair out trying to decide which GUI or environment they should program for.

    The reality was in 1989 on the PC side, you still had GEM, Geos, DeskMate, Windows 1/2, and shattered promises that OS/2 would be the next big thing. Nobody was sure which direction things would go, which even made rolling your own DOS application GUI look like a safer bet.

    But articles like this probably helped changes many minds. And yes, it got enough developers and just enough existing applications on the Windows boat that 3.0 was a relative success.

    Personally, I would love to get my hand on the Win 2.x version of Actor. It allegedly came with a Windows 2.x compatible version of the Whitewater Resource ToolKit. And C/C++ or other language developers were scrambling to get that. We have the later Windows 3.1 version here: https://winworldpc.com/product/actor
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