intallling win 95
trying to install Microsoft Windows 95B (4.00.1111.osr2) (CD)
And get this message
CD-ROM device drivers for IDE (Four Channels supported)
(C) copyright oak tecnology inc 1993-1996
Drive Version: V340
Device name :MSCD001
No drives found, aborting installation
Device driver not found: 'MSCD001'
no vailid CDROM device drivers selected
Invalid drive specification
Invalid directory
Bad cammand or file name
what dose it mean?
And get this message
CD-ROM device drivers for IDE (Four Channels supported)
(C) copyright oak tecnology inc 1993-1996
Drive Version: V340
Device name :MSCD001
No drives found, aborting installation
Device driver not found: 'MSCD001'
no vailid CDROM device drivers selected
Invalid drive specification
Invalid directory
Bad cammand or file name
what dose it mean?
ES1-512-C5YW laptop
Install this program ... 97-Win.exe
and search for a tutorial or the post made on these fourms and that should help you
You won't get very far with Win9x on one of these.
You should consider instead using a virtualizer like VirtualBox, VM Ware, or Virtual PC, or an emulator like PCEm or QEMU.
But, at any rate, it almost certainly has an SATA controller rather than IDE. The Win9x CD drivers only know about IDE CD-ROM drives.
Does yours have an internal CD-ROM?
*IF* yours has in internal SATA CD-ROM you may be able to enter your BIOS/Firmware setup and enable IDE emulation. That would get you a little further. USB CD drives won't work. At least not like that.
If you really wanted to run windows 95 on your computer you could install it on a flash drive. Here is a tutorial: one or google search it. I second this. You could also install windows 95 on dosbox...
Windows 95 uses FAT16 (which is limited to 2GB, although I have seen 4GB partitions formatted with FAT16). Windows 98 and 98SE uses FAT32, but it does not support LBA48 so you can only make use of 137GB at most.
The OP either needs an old computer, or a copy of DOSBox.
The BIOS tell us it is a InsydeH20 and we have the following
network boot: real tek PXE B03 D00 (what ever thats for)
And booting from legacy at the moment not UEFI
And SATA mode is AHCI mode (no other options)
BIOS/Firmware setup???
But I have encountered a nasty non-lba related wrap around bug when writing to individual partitions larger than 127GB in real DOS mode. (Doesn't matter where on the drive the partition is) So I would recommend keeping individual partitions under that size.
I know that.
Interesting. I almost forgot there were ever was 3rd party SATA support for Win9x.
so you just resort to bigotry
I am current installing Linux on the laptop so I'm more likely to be bothering with that then this anymore
However these are products designed for older systems. You have a modern Window 8 EFI based system. Valid points about hardware support were made above. If you refuse to believe that and just want to be a whiny bitch about how none of our offerings are working I will be more than happy to show you and your inability to use a god damn spell check the door. Batista230 this is your only warning.
If they are so bad, then why are you here?
I have downloaded lots of software from the WinWorld library and if something goes wrong with my use of it it is usually user error. Please stop moaning.
So... you know of a 95 or 2000 CD image that can magically install fine on that "modern" piece of Chinese black sludge you call a laptop? Please do tell me where I can get that.
Try VM software. Laptops like yours would probably have trouble with XP, never mind 9x.
DOS sees drives in 2- or 3-dimentions, track, sector, & maybe, sides. CD's = just 1 track in a sparel. So 'undocumented' DOS used for net-work drive, even if CD inside computer.
Or maybe get W'XP start-up floppy, (=W'ME), or W'98, &+ some luck, it'll install its CD driver.
I'm sorry if there's any drama backstory here you need to back the fuck out of bringing it here right now.