Windows 9x and VMware Wokstation

edited March 2015 in Software
I cant seem to get any sound once i have installed VMware Tools only the video and network and mouse drivers and it is only Windows 9x. WinNT and above have sound.
Does anyone have a fix for this?


  • Check the Sounds menu. Go to the system sounds, sometimes it's just Windows 95 doesn't have system sounds installed, or at least that happened to me. Check if there are any system sounds to play.
  • Didn't work. God knows whats wrong. I only use those VM's for older 16bit games and programs incompatible with x86 or 64bit systems
  • What audio card are you emulating in VMware and do you have the virtual sound card connected (should be a checkbox in settings for this)?

    Best results would be with SB16.
  • Late reply as i forgot my password: I installed windows 7 and got rid of 8.1 now use VirtualPC 2007 as its stable and i like it. Might even try VirtualPC (The XP Mode Version) and stick with that anyway the problem is resolved and now i can finaly play my old games.
  • For future reference, if you Google "Windows 9x sound VMware" (whatever OS you are using), it will direct you to references to fix the problem. What you often need is a third-party audio driver which is available all over the internet.
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