Compiler for Qbasic 1.1

edited January 2015 in Software
I wrote a program I am pretty proud of in Qbasic 1.1 (I think 1.1, it came with Windows 3.1)

However, since it is an interpreter, it cannot create executables (.exe's), does anyone know of a compiler that'd work for me? Thanks.


  • Made some notes on in regards to compiling. You can use QuickBasic or VB for DOS.
  • stitch wrote:
    Made some notes on in regards to compiling. You can use QuickBasic or VB for DOS.

    Thanks, I'll be sure to upload once it's compiled!
  • stitch wrote:
    Made some notes on in regards to compiling. You can use QuickBasic or VB for DOS.

    Ok, I'm compiling, but it's asking me for a library, and I don't have one, just the BAS file, what does it want?
  • I have no idea what you're talking about care to be a little helpful and detail what library it's asking for or a screenshot?
  • stitch wrote:
    I have no idea what you're talking about care to be a little helpful and detail what library it's asking for or a screenshot?

    lol stupid me it said BCOM45.LIB the whole time, I just had to put in the path for that.... it's compiled, should be uploading soon.
  • And it's uploaded (I think). It said the transfer completed, but I can't find it in the library.
  • That's not what our library is for. Our library is for substantial/notiable software.
  • Ok. I have a racing game for MS-DOS called "WhipLash", if I can get the image off the disk, I'll upload that then.
  • If you don't mind me asking what does your compiled program do?
  • birdy wrote:
    If you don't mind me asking what does your compiled program do?

    it's a digital keyboard, you press keys

    QWERTYUIOP [ ] and they each play a note (a-f) and then(-a - -f)

    there's graphics on screen to mimic a keyboard, overtime you press a key the corresponding rectangle fills black and then when you click another key that key turns black and the rest turn white as they are suppose to be. Essentially, every time you press a key, a note plays and the screen redraws...
  • it's a digital keyboard, you press keys
    I remember messing around with similiar programs back in the day, they were great fun. :3
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