New Z-100 archive!

edited January 2015 in Software
User ECNeilson over at the Vintage Computing Forums has shared a large archive of manuals and software for the Zenith Z-100 computer.

The Zenith Z-100 is a non-IBM hardware compatible computer that features an 8085 (8-bit) and 8088 CPU, S-100 expansion bus, and video resolutions up to 640*400 in 8 colors.

Among the interesting items are Peachtext 5000 for Z-100, Worstar for Z-100, Lotus 1-2-3 for Z-100, and a Z-100 specific version of Windows 1.01 (The Zenith OEM currently on Winworld is for IBM PC comptaible Z-150s or later)

Unfortunately, instead of just sticking the disks in a 360k drive on a tweener PC and running ImageDisk, he apparently downloaded the individual files over a serial port :shock: This sadly means the boot disks are just unusable file sets, and all of the time stamps are wrong.

Since I am thinking about it, here are a couple of other Z-100 archives: ... /index.htm (good disk images, ignore the annoying pop-over) ... 00_man.htm (Some good manuals)


  • Incidentally, that copy Z-100 version of Windows 1 has a Windows 1.x compatible version of the "Puzzle" application. That was included with Beta versions of Windows 1, but I don't think I had seen one for Windows 1 anywhere else before.
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