Software Spotlight: Micrografx Windows Convert and Portfolio
Acquired this recently: Micrografx Windows Convert is a simple utility program that converts between Micrografx In-A-Vision/Designer .PIC files and AutoDesk AutoCad drawing exchange .DXF files. It appears this program was sold alongside Micrografx clipart packages, and reportedly was a companion program with In-A-Vision/Designer. ... convert/2x
By itself it doesn't look like much, but the interesting thing is what else it included.
First of all, it includes a Windows 2.1/286 runtime on both 5.25" and 3.5" floppy disks. Surprising since it is just a small utility.
Given that this is version "2.3", it is possible earlier versions were for Windows 1, although this one is specifically for 2.x.
The Convert package came with an additional package of clipart along with a colorful booklet showcasing Micrografx's other products. Micrografx sold a number of small clipart packages. This one is of US state shapes.
The clipart packages bundle a viewer/clipboard tool called Portfolio
Oh, look. Another Windows 1.0x application!
This application displays clipart files, lets you select specific parts, zoom and scoll the images, copy them to the clipboard, and save them in In*A*Vision or Micografx Draw format. Once on the clipboard you can then paste images in to other applications as shapes or bitmaps.
The user interface and behavior are similar to Micrografx Draw. This suggest the code is a small subset of Micrografx Draw. Similar to Convert, I would call Portfolio just a small utility, not a major application, but still that is one more Windows 1 program.
Finally, the disks lables have done a bizarre trick where the glue on the back of the labels somehow migrated to the FRONT! Really, the fronts of the labels are sticky, and the backs which are no longer attached to the disks, are not! :-? ... convert/2x
By itself it doesn't look like much, but the interesting thing is what else it included.
First of all, it includes a Windows 2.1/286 runtime on both 5.25" and 3.5" floppy disks. Surprising since it is just a small utility.
Given that this is version "2.3", it is possible earlier versions were for Windows 1, although this one is specifically for 2.x.
The Convert package came with an additional package of clipart along with a colorful booklet showcasing Micrografx's other products. Micrografx sold a number of small clipart packages. This one is of US state shapes.
The clipart packages bundle a viewer/clipboard tool called Portfolio
Oh, look. Another Windows 1.0x application!
This application displays clipart files, lets you select specific parts, zoom and scoll the images, copy them to the clipboard, and save them in In*A*Vision or Micografx Draw format. Once on the clipboard you can then paste images in to other applications as shapes or bitmaps.
The user interface and behavior are similar to Micrografx Draw. This suggest the code is a small subset of Micrografx Draw. Similar to Convert, I would call Portfolio just a small utility, not a major application, but still that is one more Windows 1 program.
Finally, the disks lables have done a bizarre trick where the glue on the back of the labels somehow migrated to the FRONT! Really, the fronts of the labels are sticky, and the backs which are no longer attached to the disks, are not! :-?