Start Menu back in Windows 10

edited April 2015 in Software
The Start Menu... in my opinion one of the best things that happened to Windows. It was replaced in Windows 8 but most want it back! But... In the Windows 10
Beta builds it will detect if your using a tablet/touchscreen PC or a ordinary PC and if its a tablet/touchscreen PC still start screen but on an ordinary PC you get the Start Menu back!!!! Hopefully they will change this so you can choose Menu or Screen!


  • personally i think ms should make windows 10 more cuztomizable overall. you know be able to have more differing themes instead of just the same blocky windows in different colors.

    sorry for bad english!
  • Yep I agree with Defrag. But as you can read in the news, Microsoft is working to the return of transparency. Also the current theme isn't the final one, and I really hope it will be improved because I just hate it.

    In fact... Windows 10 will just be what Windows 8 must! :P
  • Seems that Windows 10 will be rather pricey. FREE then stick it to you and BUY TIME, sound PRICEY to me.
  • The start screen in 8/8.1 is just a glorified START MENU

    Seriously, how have people not figured that out yet?
  • Snuffy wrote:
    Seems that Windows 10 will be rather pricey. FREE then stick it to you and BUY TIME, sound PRICEY to me.
    Windows 8/x users get Windows 10 for free!
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