Windows 2000 Professional Beta 1 (5.00.1671.1) BSoD

edited January 2015 in Software
(link to relevant WinWorld archives)
I tried out Microsoft Windows 2000 (''NT 5.0'' 5.00.1671.1 Professional B1) and Microsoft Windows 2000 (''NT 5.0'' 5.00.1671.1 Professional B1 Chk) on VMware Workstation 10.0.1 and VirtualBox 4.3.20, both archives resulting in a Blue Screen of Death (0x0000003E) on both virtualisation programs.

Here is my initial setup on VMware Workstation:
- Hardware compatibility: Workstation 10.0
- 256 MB of RAM
- 2 GB flat virtual hard disk
- 1 processor
- Removed printer support
- Removed networking support

A similar setup was made on VirtualBox.

Later VMware Workstation setup:
- Hardware compatibility: Workstation 5.x
- 64 MB of RAM
- 2 GB flat virtual hard disk
- 1 processor
- Changed BIOS date to 1st January 1998
- Removed printer support
- Removed networking support
- Removed USB support

BSoD for Microsoft Windows 2000 (''NT 5.0'' 5.00.1671.1 Professional B1)

BSoD for Microsoft Windows 2000 (''NT 5.0'' 5.00.1671.1 Professional B1 Chk)

What I have tried:
- Google search -- points to CPU hyperthreading issues, or "All processors aren't the same type and level". Did not help, since I am on a single-processor, single-core setup.
- Different virtualisation program (VirtualBox). Intended to play with the beta build on VMware.
- Recreating the virtual machine with same, later different setup.

What I have not tried yet:
- Other virtualisation programs, such as Virtual PC or QEMU
- Upgrading from NT4 -- I only tried booting from .iso
- Another beta build. Focusing on this later.

TL;DR, I guess the Windows setup doesn't like my processor. I don't understand why, since I always set my VMs to 1 processor, 1 core.
Assistance is greatly appreciated.


  • Does your setup have hardware virtualization on it? If so, try disabling it. That was something I had to do to get B2 working at least.
  • Does your setup have hardware virtualization on it? If so, try disabling it. That was something I had to do to get B2 working at least.
    Didn't help, unfortunately. :? I guess I'll move on to later builds for now.
    Would probably have to spoof the CPUID, I found directions on how to do it here: ... -os-cpuid/

    But I still haven't had much luck getting any OS to detect a different cpu, its possible this just doesn't work in workstation 11 if it ever worked in older versions.
  • VirtualBox can hack up a VM's settings, but QEMU might be the best for this. See the -cpu option.
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