WinWorldPC Malware? [Longhorn 6.0.4039]

edited March 2015 in Software
When i Downloaded Windows Longhorn 6.0.4039 (First one on the list) (I picked the second mirror) i scanned it for malware i don't know if this is a false positive or not but Kaspersky detected Trojan.Heur And the infected file was called avalonbrowserinteropproxy.exe, i don't remember the path though Luckily i eliminated the threat and did i thorough system scan with different antimalware and antivirus tools and no remnants where found, i also cleared temp folder and temporary files.


  • Post approved, if somebody wants to check this out in more detail, please feel free to do so.

    I did a quick search however and VirusTotal shows that's a rather generic, catch-all detection that only a couple antivirus programs even notice, so I highly doubt it's anything malicious.
  • Sorry if you find duplicate topics i thought my post wasnt posted for people to see so i treid again
  • Despite the white page and lack of confirmation do not worry your messages will still get posted into queue.
  • At a glance, the ISO and files in it looks OK. There is no "avalonbrowserinteropproxy.exe" in the archive or directly on the CD.
  • sorry it may of been 6.0.3683. in the 7z file
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