windows 98 se oem corrupt?

edited April 2015 in Site Issues
I downloaded windows 98 se OEM iso ( ... 54D21A8599) and burned to cd multiple times on different drives but I am still getting files on the cd that I can't open such as \tools\mtsutil\fat32ebd\fat32ebd.txt there are multiple filees that can't be read or copied. Downloaded files twice and the sha1 sum checks out fine both times. Could someone confirm that there is a problem with this iso?



  • I was able to open that text file without error.

    Its installing fine, took the key and is detecting hardware, at this point probably going to work as expected.

    Yup, install finished as expected, there isn't anything wrong with the ISO, are you trying to access the files on the burnt media? perhaps you have a bad batch of cds.
  • Thanks, Yes I tried a new batch of cd's and they worked fine. Must've burned at least 10 or 12 cd-r from a memorex 50 pack and they were all junk. not buying memorex again.
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