John Romero releases old DOOM editor textures and maps

edited April 2015 in Software
John Romero himself has posted the source code for ID software's NextStep based DOOM editor.

While he was at it, he also made public an archived set of textures and maps.

His posts and much discussion here: ... -graphics/

DoomEd files: ...

Map files: ...

Texture files: ...

Browsable texture gallery (It looks like they omitted some): ... nails.html

Previously John Romero has made some unused DOOM music files available:

Nothing really Earth (or Mars) shattering in it, but some interesting stuff. The archive seems to be from well after the Doom 1 release with DOOM II stuff.

The texture set contains many LBM/DeluxePaint graphics worksheets with most of the Alpha and final release graphics. The majority of the graphics in here were already published in the various known DOOM releases, however there are a few that have not been seen before (most for good reason though :P ). One of the more interesting parts, it includes a number of raw drawn artwork scans. This includes some photos of the Spider Mastermind and the Alpha's "desk chair". There are also many intermediate work-in progress files with parts and pieces of graphics.

The DOOM 1 maps are mostly from the final product, but there are some early incomplete DOOM II maps. Only a couple of earlier Alpha/prototype levels are in here, seemingly set aside for potential use in DOOM II.





  • Sweet, but he's kinda late. There are far better textures now.
  • I wonder what Tom Hall's version of Doom would have been like. With the emphasis on more "realistic" environments with office chairs and a progressing story and possible co-op, we might have seen something like Left 4 Dead instead.
  • From what I have read DoomEd has some interesting features not found in other level editors. I should try this out under NextStep using Previous and see how that works.
    ampharos wrote:
    I wonder what Tom Hall's version of Doom would have been like.

    I'd always imagined something kind of like Ulitma Underworld, but set in space.

    The thing about these early bits, modders can often find interesting and creative ways to resurrect old ideas. It doesn't always matter if such bits are incomplete or inferior to what someone could produce today.
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