Trying to Install Windows 2.11 386 in VBox

edited June 2015 in Software
I made a VBox VM with 16mb memory and a 50mb HDD. I then installed MS-DOS 3.31 Compaq OEM on it, with no problems. I then tryed to install Windows 2.11 for 386. It said to use defaults with display and stuff, so I did. I let it run Memset, then it told me to reboot. Once I did, I got a snippet of info from Windows Memset, but nothing else. I entered the WIN command, but it was unrecognized. I tried to run a program in the Windows folder, but it told me I needed Windows. I let setup edit my files, so what went wrong?


  • Try dropping in a newer version of HIMEM.SYS. (The one from DOS 6.22 should be best)

    Not sure about the latest Virtualbox, but the older versions of himem.sys will hang in some emulators and virtualizers.

    You should have a file in your windows folder, but if setup did not fully complete, then it may not be there.
  • Just drop it in the root directory and set it to run from autoexec, right? Then reboot? I shouldn't let Windows isntall memset before I do that, right?

    (Sorry about the need for specifics, I'm still learning a lot)
  • how to install windows 386 on vbox you need boot ms-dos 4.0
    set ram to 12mb .
  • Heres a howto video on YouTube
  • Try typing win386 instead of win. I made that mistake my first time, because I didn't notice the installer saying so at the end (I skipped it).
  • windows 2.10 386 work better with ms-dos 3.30 8)
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