An os for this dino

edited May 2015 in Software
okay, first thing, I've been gone since 2015.
and now for the real stuff I came here for

What would be a good os for a gateway 1992 pc with 24MB of ram? heres what I tried so far:

windows 98: runs, but a snail could go faster than it, see EDIT 1 for some info
windows 95b : just fine.
MS-DOS 7-its dos. its text. Its runs just fine
windows 3.1: also fine
windows 2.3: same as 3.1

Also, I don't really want linux and anything after 98, because I only have 24MB of ram.

Scratch that, trying to find out if microXP runs on 24mb of ram and a pentium

EDIT 1- I do not know how much video ram it has, but is not a 386, its a pentium. just pentium. I have installed a firewire card, (no win95b drivers), a D-link ethernet card that I can't find drivers for, usb 1.0 or 1.1, and a soundblaster 16 also, win98 might be slow because it was my dad's and its hard drive is sort of full.

on a side note, it stopped booting from a CD, anyone know how to fix? it just tries to boot and sits and does nothing.


  • Then just stick with Win95 or try OS\2 Warp 4.
  • I'm not familiar with the Gateway models from that year, but even if we're talking a 486, the raw speed probably wouldn't be sufficient for Win95. Yes, you could certainly run it, but it wouldn't go anywhere near fast enough to make the experience pleasant.

    Win31 is where it's at. 24mb's, even on a puny 386, are guaranteed to rock the boat.
  • Win95A can handle a 386 with 24MB nice and sweet. I ran my 386 DX 40MHz with 16MB of ram with Win95 for a few years before I finally got a pentium. Ran great and was even able to surf the web with a 28.8k dial-up back in the day as well.
  • Another option is 98Lite. A good chunk of the speed difference between 95 and 98 is just the MSIE assimilated shell. That pre-loads a chunk of IE in to memory. Drop the 95 shell in there with 98Lite and it speeds up quite a bit on a system like that.

    Also, if you have an Ethernet card or plan to add one, you should consider at least Windows for Workgroups 3.11.

    And, on hardware like that you may notice a bit of speed increase if you use a permanent swap file.
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