Google Chrome bookmark system

edited June 2015 in Software
I hate the new way Chrome saves bookmarks. I wanted to sort out my bookmarks and put everything in the right places since for some stupid reason chrome automaticly saves the bookmark where ever it wants to save. After a hour of sorting I lost all of my bookmarks. Because of this I am dropping Chrome and going back to Firefox.


  • You can disable the new bookmark system, at least for now:


    But yeah, I agree. The new system is terrible. I couldn't even get to my god damn bookmarks because they were in the "Other bookmarks" folder or whatever and it wouldn't display it in the new system.

    Firefox isn't much better though. They've fuglied it up so much it's almost unrecognizable. It's basically unusable without 1000x extensions to undo the new "features."

    I'm still using Chrome for now, but I wish there were a better alternative. Unfortunately every other browser is essentially Chrome now since they keep copying it.
  • I've been using the latest Firefox, and I got used to it instantly. I question the point of stuff like Hello though, and Pocket should be an extension, not integrated.
  • Heh, with the way they have been dumbing down/breaking bookmarks, I was beginning to think I was the only one left who still used bookmarks.

    You know, the whole point is to get people to manually re-search for stuff or put bookmark equivalents "in teh cloudz"... because they can't track you quite as easily if you use old-fashioned bookmarks.
  • I use Pale Moon.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    Heh, with the way they have been dumbing down/breaking bookmarks, I was beginning to think I was the only one left who still used bookmarks.

    You know, the whole point is to get people to manually re-search for stuff or put bookmark equivalents "in teh cloudz"... because they can't track you quite as easily if you use old-fashioned bookmarks.

    This is how I see it. Google are after all a search engine, of course they want you to search for shit all over again.
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