Possible to install Windows 1 2 and 3.1 on the same PC?

edited July 2015 in Software
Hi there,

My first post. Hope someone might be able to give me a little advice.

I have a Hyundai Super 386s 16mhz model and it has Windows 3.1 installed.

I am wondering if it is possible to install Windows 1 and Windows 2 (hopefully both!) with effecting the existing Windows 3.1 installation?

Also, another question. The computer has 2x external floppy drives, 3½-inch, one is 1.44mb and one 720kb. When the machine boots up into DOS it shows that it has loaded drivers for these two disks. Would these be standard DOS drivers? The config.sys shows:

DEVICEHIGH /L:1,5504 =C:\DOS\DRIVER.SYS /D:2 /T:80 /S:18 /F7
DEVICEHIGH /L:1,5504 =C:\DOS\DRIVER.SYS /D:3 /T:80 /S:9 /F2

Thank you very much for any advice!


  • In general yes. Windows 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x all run on top of DOS. So you can exit one and enter another. Just install them in to seperate folders such as c:\Win1, c:\win2, c:\win3, etc.

    The main thing that people forget is that under DOS 5 or 6.x, you need to add the following SETVER entries for Windows 1.x and 2.x:
    WIN100.BIN 3.31
    WIN200.BIN 3.31

    DRIVER.SYS is a standard DOS driver. Normally AT class computers don't need this, but if you have a secondary floppy controller, the built in BIOS may not recognize them automatically.

    Are these external drives in addition to internal drives? What kind of controller is it?
  • Thank you for the reply.

    Here is a picture of the controller which the external drives are connected to:


    After your comment and doing a little research it looks like it uses the standard dos driver to access these drives. It definately needed the driver as I initially booted the computer up with a different hard drive (the original had a broken pin on the IDE connector) and though the external drives showed on boot they were not accessable.
  • :shock: That is one sweet floppy controller!

    Two internal connectors and an external! And it looks like it has a DP8473 chip, which means it should be able to read both FM and MFM encoded disks as well as 128-byte MFM encoded sectors! And 8-bit with a BIOS for PC/XT operation.

    I dare say that chip configuration is probably also faster than the "cheap" UM8398 based boards that still sell for a pile on eBay.

    That sound is me drooling....
  • You have great knowledge. Thank you very much for the information on the card. Do you think this card has some monetary value?

    There are a few other cards in the machine that I cannot find any information on. I have posted some pictures in the hardware thread, if you get a moment perhaps you could share your knowledge. One is a SCSI controller which really does look old. Also another card which I don't know what it does :)

    Here is a link
  • Standard 2-drive 8-bit high density floppy controllers are very sought after, and fetch an easy $50 on eBay.

    This 4 drive version would certainly go for a bit more than that, but are so uncommon, I can't say for sure.

    You should test the FM and 128-byte MFM functionality with Dave Dunfield's Testfdc tool: http://www.classiccmp.org/dunfield/img/index.htm
  • Sorry to be so daft but it fails so i'm almost certianly doing something badly wrong.

    It says no FDC interupt but I am not booting from a clean dos like it says I should.

    The pc will boot from the 5.25" drive. I have the original dos 4 boot disk for the machine however if I boot from that disk I won't get the driver.sys loaded

    Shall I use that disk and then load the driver.sys?

    The ISA card is only connected to the external drives (3.5" 1.44mb and 720k)

    Thank you!
  • Crap, it looks like Testfdc does not work with secondary controllers. I thought it did because imagedisk can. Testfdc and Imagedisk bypass DOS and any drivers to talk directly to the FDC chip.

    Perhaps if you can attach a drive to the primary FDC header on the card.

    I take it this motherboard has a built in FDC?
  • I don't have the cables to connect directly to the card sadly. The motherboard does have onboard FDC yes
  • You can install Windows 1.01 to Windows 3.0 on same PC but change autoexec.bat and config.sys to get working right.
  • All you need to run windows, of various versions, is to rely on that windows will put %windir% and %windir%\system into the path.

    So if windows is not in the path, you start windows from a batch file, which looks like
    cd \win31

    This even works, if you apply some fixes:
    cd \os2\mdos\winos2

    You change the path to whatever installed windows you have.

    I ran Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 like this, but you can run other windows from here too.
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