ISA Cards from my 386sx system

edited June 2015 in Hardware
"SomeGuy" gave me some fantastic information on the ISA floppy controller that I have so I have decided to post pictures of the ISA cards in my system.

Any information you can share to educate me would be great!

Denon? SCSI controller I can't find any information about this card. To me it looks to be the oldest card?



I know this one because it lists when it boots up!

Cirrus Eagle II video
I am not sure of the video ram, it says at least 256KB when I run the diagnostics. Would this have been a high end card at the time? I did notice the port on the top of the card and found some details on WIKI but now I have already forgotton what that port is called (Edit, VGA Feature connector! that's the one)



I'm embarrassed to say I don't know what this card does at all!



And the floppy controller



  • The two large chips on the unkown card are LG GM16C450 "ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS ELEMENT" and point to UARTs, leading me to believe it's for serial. The connector looks like a DB-25.
  • That SCSI card looks kind of bare-bones and low-end, it doesn't have a BIOS chip, so that means it can only be used when a driver is installed.

    That VGA card would not have been high-end, but what is interesting is that second (video?) plug. Some of these very early VGA cards had a second plug for running an EGA or CGA monitor. If that is what it is - that sort of flexibility is desirable to some vintage enthusiasts.

    That card that you don't know what it is, is some kind of serial card. It has a pair of 16450 UARTs, and one serial header on the backplate. That might be a header for a second port on the top of the card, but that doesn't quite look standard. It could be something special-purpose, but I doubt that.

    You might ask about these cards over at:

    Very interesting finds!
  • You guys are great! Thank you for the information!
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