Windows 1.0 Premiere Edition help.

edited July 2015 in Software
I was wondering if anyone could help me out by giving me a Pcem, Virtualbox, etc, configuration so that I can install and test it out. I ask of this, becuase I have a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to get this OS to work. My main problem is the mouse configuration, yes I have tried the PS/2 mouse driver for this version, but I still have no luck. Any help is welcomed. Thank you and have a nice day!


  • To run Windows 1.0 premiere edition VirtualBox have you must MS-DOS 3.30. But you can run Windows 1.0 premiere edition on MS-DOS 6.22 VirtualBox VM go to SETVER and type"SETVER C:\DOS WIN100.MID 3.31".
  • The mouse driver on our Windows PE page should "Just Work" as long as your emulator or VM is set to emulate PS/2 mice. The only tricky thing is you must copy the driver over the one on the Premiere Edition disk BEFORE installing.

    And yea, don't forget the SETVER if you are using DOS 5 or 6.x, otherwise it will crash and burn.
  • Ah! Just did all that, and it works like a charm in VirtualBox. Thank you so much! Thanks to you guys, I'll be able to continue my video series of windows 1.x! I'll be sure to include links to the fourm, and to the main site to download this.
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