xp x64 and OS/2

edited October 2015 in Software
The OS/2 images at this site I am not quite sure how to "put together" for running on XP x64 with virtual box or PC 2007. Can you use a *nix OS to 'cat' together the .imgs ? I'm stumped.


  • The .img files are floppy disk images.
  • ampharos wrote:
    The .img files are floppy disk images.

    I don't have a floppy. Can an img file be copied to a USB and be used that way?

  • I do not have a floppy. Can USB be used instead?
  • The OS/2 .img files are just floppies. You could install it like this:

    1. use DOS to make a partition of 120 MB, install some DOS. Hunt down on the internet "os2hdd".

    2. Use os2hdd to extract the imagess to something like c:\os2image The files will create directories for each file, like all disk 1 to c:\os2image\disk_1. Don't worry, it's correct.

    3. Get the first two diskettes, as images, and edit the config.sys on disk 1 (the second disk), Change this line:
    set os2shell=sysinit2 c:\os2image

    4. Boot OS/2 from diskettes 0 (install) and 1, and it will boot without any further fiddling.
  • The first img I try to install is called install.img. Then there's a series of disk1, disk2 and so on imgs. I bunch. I can boot install.img it will not boot disk1.img. I will try what's suggested.
  • The first img I try to install is called install.img. Then there's a series of disk1, disk2 and so on imgs. I bunch. I can boot install.img it will not boot disk1.img. I will try what's suggested.
  • os2fan2 wrote:
    The OS/2 .img files are just floppies. You could install it like this:

    1. use DOS to make a partition of 120 MB, install some DOS. Hunt down on the internet "os2hdd".

    2. Use os2hdd to extract the imagess to something like c:\os2image The files will create directories for each file, like all disk 1 to c:\os2image\disk_1. Don't worry, it's correct.

    3. Get the first two diskettes, as images, and edit the config.sys on disk 1 (the second disk), Change this line:
    set os2shell=sysinit2 c:\os2image

    4. Boot OS/2 from diskettes 0 (install) and 1, and it will boot without any further fiddling.

    Hum. I found an os2hdd.zip. Is that what you mean? It's C source code and some misc files. And a DOS file it looks like.
  • ampharos wrote:
    The .img files are floppy disk images.

    Which version did you download? I downloaded the OS/2 Warp 4.52, this seems to work like eCom Station demo. The CD version has the floppy images inside and loads them on boot and then the CD takes over.

    My problem is that when I got to the install screen it asked for a serial number. I thought maybe these old ones would have a cracked number to try them out. I had previously gotten demo to work on my old X40. I want to get it working on my T43.

    My X40 running eCom Demo:
  • os2fan2 wrote:
    The OS/2 .img files are just floppies. You could install it like this:

    1. use DOS to make a partition of 120 MB, install some DOS. Hunt down on the internet "os2hdd".

    Is that os2hdd.exe or another extension? I google different things. I use virtual box with DOS. I can use dosbox too.

    2. Use os2hdd to extract the imagess to something like c:\os2image The files will create directories for each file, like all disk 1 to c:\os2image\disk_1. Don't worry, it's correct.

    3. Get the first two diskettes, as images, and edit the config.sys on disk 1 (the second disk), Change this line:
    set os2shell=sysinit2 c:\os2image

    4. Boot OS/2 from diskettes 0 (install) and 1, and it will boot without any further fiddling.

    And this is all from DOS? My actual DOS 6.21 floppies died. All I have are images from virtual machines. It's been awhile I know but I'm still trying to get this.
  • I downloaded both OS/2 2.22 and OS/2 warp 4.52. Both seem to have the same story. The first image loads and the second can't be. On virtual box or PC 2007 which I have used both. IDK about dosbox.
  • You can use a virtual computer and virtual floppies for this exercise.

    Let's suppose you have downloaded a set of images for OS/2, say 2.11. These are things like 'install.dsk, disk1.dsk, disk2.dsk', etc

    You boot your virtual machine to DOS, and make a fat partition of say 500 MB. Now create a directory like c:\os2image

    Connect to where your images are saved, eg you might have to load fshare.exe, or copy the disk images from a cdrom or iso (in the virtual cd).

    Change to the directory where the images are stored, and then

    for %f in *.img os2hdd %f c:\os2image

    When you return to the c: drive, os2image will have a directory like disk_0, disk_1, disk_2, each with the contents of the install disk, disk1, etc.

    Now you still need to boot from diskettes 0 and 1, On disk1, there is a file config.sys. Edit this in a text editor (like edit.com), and look for a line

    set os2shell=sysinit2.exe (set os2shell= is the bit you're looking for)

    put at the end of the that line 'c:\os2image' eg set os2shell=sysinit2.exe c:\os2image

    Boot from the install disk, and follow the install. Once you get past disk 1, the install goes from the hard drive. You can create partitions and install boot mamager in this stage.
  • os2fan2 wrote:
    You can use a virtual computer and virtual floppies for this exercise.

    Let's suppose you have downloaded a set of images for OS/2, say 2.11. These are things like 'install.dsk, disk1.dsk, disk2.dsk', etc

    You boot your virtual machine to DOS, and make a fat partition of say 500 MB. Now create a directory like c:\os2image

    How to I create another primary partition in a dos 6.21 .vhd ?

    Connect to where your images are saved, eg you might have to load fshare.exe, or copy the disk images from a cdrom or iso (in the virtual cd).

    Change to the directory where the images are stored, and then

    for %f in *.img os2hdd %f c:\os2image

    I see no img files. What is os2hdd ?

    When you return to the c: drive, os2image will have a directory like disk_0, disk_1, disk_2, each with the contents of the install disk, disk1, etc.

    Now you still need to boot from diskettes 0 and 1, On disk1, there is a file config.sys. Edit this in a text editor (like edit.com), and look for a line

    set os2shell=sysinit2.exe (set os2shell= is the bit you're looking for)

    put at the end of the that line 'c:\os2image' eg set os2shell=sysinit2.exe c:\os2image

    Boot from the install disk, and follow the install. Once you get past disk 1, the install goes from the hard drive. You can create partitions and install boot mamager in this stage.

    Ok I know I can using PC 2007 SP2 (I believe) I can create a os2 partition but booting eventually gets me to "create a system dosk os2ldr is not found" Or something along those lines. I can get fshare.exe to connect with the host computer.
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