floppy disc image files

edited July 2015 in Software
I downloaded some floppy disk image files for Concurrent PC DOS and would like to install this OS on a 486 system I recently obtained. How do I transfer these images to a floppy to obtain a bootable disc using linux?


  • Standard 1.44mb and 720K disk images you should be able to just format and then use "dd" to write the images. Note that if you have a USB floppy drive you will need to verify that it supports 720K disks, some do and some don't.

    Also, be aware that some of the images on this site are in odd formats that can not be written under Linux or NT-based Windows (such as XP or later). If your computer has a real (non-usb) floppy drive, then you might be able too boot to DOS to use tools like ImageDisk.

    You might consider throwing a network card in that 486 and use that to write disks - of course you will need to get software for that over there first. :)
  • In a nut shell the command should be this

    dd if="filename" of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024

    If you have USB then you'll have to figure out the device path for it.
  • TCPMeta wrote:
    In a nut shell the command should be this

    dd if="filename" of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024

    If you have USB then you'll have to figure out the device path for it.

    I have a real 1.44 floppy not USB. I tried this command:

    skippy@skippy-KT690-mITX:~/Desktop/concurrent/concurrent3.2$ sudo dd if="DISK1.IMG" of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024
    [sudo] password for skippy:
    320+0 records in
    320+0 records out
    327680 bytes (328 kB) copied, 22.0868 s, 14.8 kB/s

    Tried to boot on my 486 machine and get message "Cannot find CPM.SYS or CCPM.sys"

    Text file for this package says that Disk1 is the image of a 320K CP/M-86 formatted disk. DOS 6.2 will not read the disk at all.

    Any suggestions?
  • If it's on a 320 KB floppy, it's not going to work on such relatively new HW. CP/M just adds to the fun.
  • ampharos wrote:
    If it's on a 320 KB floppy, it's not going to work on such relatively new HW. CP/M just adds to the fun.

    My 486 HW is 25 years old. I used Concurrent PC DOS in the early 90's with a 3-1/2 1.44 floppy drive and no problems back then.
  • Concurrent DOS 3.2 (no suffix) is 31 years old. They did not have 486s or 1.44mb drives in 1984.

    You were probably running the 1989 Concurrent DOS 386 V3.01 or there about.

    Yes, their version numbering was screwpot. Go by the release dates.

    And looking closers, those later versions only have 720K images, so you will need to cover the high density notch on a 1.44mb disk, reformat it to 720K and then use the above procedure to write it to a disk.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    Concurrent DOS 3.2 (no suffix) is 31 years old. They did not have 486s or 1.44mb drives in 1984.

    You were probably running the 1989 Concurrent DOS 386 V3.01 or there about.

    Yes, their version numbering was screwpot. Go by the release dates.

    And looking closers, those later versions only have 720K images, so you will need to cover the high density notch on a 1.44mb disk, reformat it to 720K and then use the above procedure to write it to a disk.

    Tried this with Concurrent Dos XM 6.0. Works fine, many thanks.
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