Emulating IBM TopView...

edited August 2015 in Software
I'm currently trying to run IBM TopView in PCem, but it keeps hanging at the IBM TopView logo. I'm emulating an IBM Personal Computer/AT (Model 5170), which was the main PC of the time period, along with IBM PC-DOS 3.00, but all it does is beep whenever I press a key, and it never manages to move past the IBM logo at all.

Am I using the wrong version of PC-DOS, or is there simply no emulator available for running TopView?

I thought that I would ask about it here, seeing as you also happen to offer it in your library, hoping that someone such as SomeGuy might actually know what's going on.

Another person who might know about it is Michal Necasek of OS/2 Museum, but, good luck contacting him now (until he returns from his vacation, that is...)...


  • I got past the main screen with Windows 2000,

    When you set it up, the keyboard is the mouse, with the 7 and 9 as the left and right mouse buttons, the INS is apparently MB 3. I have it installed in the root of drive a: (ie by ntsubst a: p:\doscd\topview You select no mouse, because neither the serial or parallel mice work. You then use the cursors, with 7 and 9 as MB1 and MB2, and 2,4,6,8 move the cursor. Ctrl by itself turns the mouse on and off.

    Alt = main menu (it's a pop-up menu)
    Ctl = turn mouse on/off

    I successfully added PE (personal editor), to the program menu, and ran it from there.
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