Windows 3.00.55 beta was release on January 2, 1990 and it was find on old BBS websites like MS-DOS 5.00.224 Beta and later release to public.
You can run Windows 3.00.55 beta on VirtualBox, VirtualPC 2007, VMware Player or PCEM all them will work. I test out Windows 3.00.55 BETA on VirtualBox.
Disk 3 of Windows 3.00.55 Setup have missing Himem.sys to finish setup to go cancel press Ignore and it will complete setup. You will See Notepad file said Windows 3.0 Release Notes are not yet available. To continue with Setup, Choose Exit from Notepad's File menu.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta can run later MS-DOS 5.0 and MS-DOS 6.0 but only real mode by typing Win and run this Build in 386 Enhanced mode, you need MS-DOS 3.x. Compaq MS-DOS 3.31.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta is half way complete, but there a lot beta bugs in this build. Also There this a lot interested things in this build like Windows 3.00.55 Beta Calculator shows Version 3.00.16 on About Calculator, Paintbrush have beta release warnings and Help show version 3.00.2000 on About Help.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta Paintbrush contains the following warnings in this pre-release version of Microsoft Windows 3.0:
Beta Warning
Multiple instances of Paintbrush are disabled (beta release only) for your protection. This instance will be terminated.
Beta Warning
Paintbrush is disabled under real mode EMS systems (beta release only) for your protection. This instance will be terminated.
Beta Warning
Paintbrush does not deal with low memory situations well in this beta release.
To avoid losing work, run Paintbrush under 286 or 386 protected mode.
This is the only time that you will receive this warning.
Beta Warning
There is a known bug in Paintbrush that can cause the contents of overlapping windows to be placed in your drawing.
For this reason it is not recommended to bring up other applications on top of the Paintbrush window.
This is only a problem for the beta release. This is the only time that you will receive this warning.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta WINOLDAP.MOD of this build has a version string of "", shortly prior to an earlier pre-release version 3.00.14 dated February 22, 1989.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XdbN ... 43a0E/view
You can run Windows 3.00.55 beta on VirtualBox, VirtualPC 2007, VMware Player or PCEM all them will work. I test out Windows 3.00.55 BETA on VirtualBox.
Disk 3 of Windows 3.00.55 Setup have missing Himem.sys to finish setup to go cancel press Ignore and it will complete setup. You will See Notepad file said Windows 3.0 Release Notes are not yet available. To continue with Setup, Choose Exit from Notepad's File menu.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta can run later MS-DOS 5.0 and MS-DOS 6.0 but only real mode by typing Win and run this Build in 386 Enhanced mode, you need MS-DOS 3.x. Compaq MS-DOS 3.31.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta is half way complete, but there a lot beta bugs in this build. Also There this a lot interested things in this build like Windows 3.00.55 Beta Calculator shows Version 3.00.16 on About Calculator, Paintbrush have beta release warnings and Help show version 3.00.2000 on About Help.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta Paintbrush contains the following warnings in this pre-release version of Microsoft Windows 3.0:
Beta Warning
Multiple instances of Paintbrush are disabled (beta release only) for your protection. This instance will be terminated.
Beta Warning
Paintbrush is disabled under real mode EMS systems (beta release only) for your protection. This instance will be terminated.
Beta Warning
Paintbrush does not deal with low memory situations well in this beta release.
To avoid losing work, run Paintbrush under 286 or 386 protected mode.
This is the only time that you will receive this warning.
Beta Warning
There is a known bug in Paintbrush that can cause the contents of overlapping windows to be placed in your drawing.
For this reason it is not recommended to bring up other applications on top of the Paintbrush window.
This is only a problem for the beta release. This is the only time that you will receive this warning.
Windows 3.00.55 Beta WINOLDAP.MOD of this build has a version string of "", shortly prior to an earlier pre-release version 3.00.14 dated February 22, 1989.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XdbN ... 43a0E/view