Help with Solaris path problem?

edited November 2015 in Software
I'm not quite sure if this is a $PATH problem. I'm currently running Solaris 11 64bit on Virtual Box, I have installed Solaris via text install. Since the install I have installed the following:
SDL 1.2 & 2.0
So I have been having this problem by trying to install iceWM 1.3.8. I'm currently trying to run this:
./configure --enable-corefont
But after I run it give's out this error:
configure: error: 'msgfmt' not found. Perhaps you need to install 'gettext'?.
It's strange since I know for a fact the gettext is installed in the /usr/ccs/bin directory.
I have tried to edit the /etc/profile and I put this code in it:
After a restart it still gives me the same error. Is it possible to fix this? Thank you in advance.


  • PATH is for directories; not executables. Put the directory the executable lies in.
  • It has been many, many years since I used a configure script but can't you explicitly set the location from that?
  • To be honest I'm not sure what I'm doing. Thank you for clarifying the PATH situation ampharos. I have since changed the profile in /etc/ to
    PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin gettext
    After a restart of the system the ./configure file gives me the same error.
    EDIT As I was looking over the error I noticed that before the error, the ./configure file was checking for the following:
    checking for bindtextdomain... yes
    checking for xgettext... no
    checking for msgmerge... /usr/bin/msgmerge
    checking for msgfmt... no
    I'm guessing that when I installed gettext, those following files were not installed. Is there any place I can get these files? Is there a tar package that I can install?
  • It should be included with gettext. Check if they're present, or search for packages.
  • Now there is a 3rd party package manager for Solaris.
    Works like apt-get.
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