Anyone here using a Mac?

edited January 2016 in Software
I use Windows 10. Thinking about switching. Is OS X any good?


  • No, OS X is not good.
  • Depends on what you're using your computer for. I personally think OS X is better for everything except gaming...
  • dosbox wrote:
    No, OS X is not good.

    Just curious, why do you think OSX isn't good? Give a reason, don't just say it's not good. Also, wpblogheader - nobody can tell you whether it's good or bad because it's all up to personal preference. Try out a Mac in a store, hell, even buy one (You can always return it/sell it later if you decide you don't like it)
  • Macs are overpriced garbage nobody makes anything for, used only by "artists" and hipsters. And is made by iCantInnovateTherefore-iSteal Co.

    If you don't like Windows, get Linux.
  • Every tool has its advantages and disadvantages. Lets try and stay rational and level headed about it.

    The number one thing to consider is what applications you do or will use and if they are available for that OS.

    You also have to consider what the long term support and business stability for the applications and platform are - honestly these days these are looking bad in everyones ballpark.

    You also have to consider your comfort level with the OS environment. Little things like text editing key commands can be different and make you feel stupid because they are different from how you have been used to doing thing for the last 20 years. And those little things can all add up quickly.
  • I use Windows 10. Thinking about switching. Is OS X any good?
    Funnily enough, I'm thinking of switching too only that I'm with Windows 7 just now. Although I have to ask you... have you used Macs before though?
  • I don't use a Mac at this moment being, however I did use an iMac before the GPU broke and now I bought a PC because I thought Windows might do what I need. I find Windows to be a bit too glitchy for my taste to use as my main OS, so I think next computer I'll get will be a Mac. I do have a few cheap Macs in my collection though, but that's about it. So yeah, if you want a Mac, you could either try it in the Apple Store, or buy it and return it if you don't like it. I would suggest a Mac Mini if you're on budget, but the newer ones suck ass so that's why I don't recommend it (unless it fits all your needs, then yeah, why not).
    Macs are overpriced garbage nobody makes anything for, used only by "artists" and hipsters. And is made by iCantInnovateTherefore-iSteal Co.
    Go fuck yourself, not interested in any of your opinions if that's the kind of answer you will make. Dosbox your answer isn't much better.

    And one last note, this is probably the worst place to ask about getting a Mac. If you're planning to switch to something you've most likely never used, you better ask somewhere where there is a positive light about the company (here the opinions about Apple are very mixed so you better watch out). You want encouragement, not flaming *cough* Plokite_Folf *cough*.
  • I'm surprised BlueSun hasn't seen this thread yet, as we're still pending his own reason of why he despises OS X. We really want to know.

    Also, dropping down to a nearby Apple Store would be the best solution so you know everything about one, which is what I did months ago. But again, it all depends on what would you use it for and would you make much use of it even if you're a newbie to Macs.
  • I'm running El Capitan on a late 2012 mini and I kinda like it. I really don't think it's a bad operating system and some of Apple's base hardware isn't that overpriced. Only thing is that I'm still not the biggest fan of El Capitan, but it's starting to grow on me. Tiger, Snow Leopard, and Mountain Lion will always have a special spot in my heart though.
  • psychobat wrote:
    Tiger, Snow Leopard, and Mountain Lion will always have a special spot in my heart though.
    That's the same with me, for Leopard. Had fond memories of that during my days at college,
  • 66659hi wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    No, OS X is not good.

    Just curious, why do you think OSX isn't good? Give a reason, don't just say it's not good. Also, wpblogheader - nobody can tell you whether it's good or bad because it's all up to personal preference. Try out a Mac in a store, hell, even buy one (You can always return it/sell it later if you decide you don't like it)

    It's insecure, many of my preferred programs aren't there, and you really can't game with it; Even Gnu/Linux is a better gaming OS than OS X.

    I agree with what somebody said earlier in the thread, Apple is just for hipsters and "artists".
  • dosbox wrote:
    66659hi wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    No, OS X is not good.

    Just curious, why do you think OSX isn't good? Give a reason, don't just say it's not good. Also, wpblogheader - nobody can tell you whether it's good or bad because it's all up to personal preference. Try out a Mac in a store, hell, even buy one (You can always return it/sell it later if you decide you don't like it)

    It's insecure, many of my preferred programs aren't there, and you really can't game with it; Even Gnu/Linux is a better gaming OS than OS X.

    I agree with what somebody said earlier in the thread, Apple is just for hipsters and "artists".

    OSX isn't insecure...It's more secure than Windows! (Although I'm more of a Windows fan personally). Also, Macs are great for CAD work, especially video editing. The statement that Macs are just for hipsters and artists is dumb, in fact, I'd say Linux is more of a hipster OS.
  • 66659hi wrote:
    The statement that Macs are just for hipsters and artists is dumb, in fact, I'd say Linux is more of a hipster OS.
    This, in the bold. That's why I don't really give a shit about it, even though I took the time to explore Ubuntu and other distros before but it's not something I'd switch to. Then again, it's not very popular anyway and it will take eons for it to be. And as for gaming, just get a Windows VM and do it from there. Not that hard. Macs weren't really made for gaming as far as I'm aware.
  • garirry wrote:
    Go fuck yourself, not interested in any of your opinions if that's the kind of answer you will make. Dosbox your answer isn't much better.
    Who invited you, kiddo? Where did you get all your wannabe wisdom from? Go play with CHVN.
    66659hi wrote:
    I'd say Linux is more of a hipster OS.
    Linux' advantage is programmability, which is why most of its users are programmers. Supercomputers run on it for that exact reason. Companies and even some militaries have been known to use it. Not something you can say for a Mac.
    66659hi wrote:
    OSX isn't insecure...It's more secure than Windows! (Although I'm more of a Windows fan personally).
    It doesn't pay out to make viruses for Macs, considering their marketshare...
    66659hi wrote:
    Also, Macs are great for CAD work, especially video editing.
    Both of those things can be done on Windows with equal or better performance (depending on your hardware), so the argument is moot.
  • I have used a mac. It is a very interesting OS. Some of the key commands are similar to Windows such as command+c and command+v as copy and paste. I have nothing against the Mac OS, as for its for a certain type of people.
    66659hi wrote:
    I'd say Linux is more of a hipster OS.
    Mac is more of a hipster OS than linux. Mac has always have been targeting towards more artistic people, and people think out of the box. It's creative ads and presentation towards the consumers have always been supported the idea that Apple is simplistic.
  • Let a wise man here put in his two cents.

    I have used PCs and Macs in the past and present. People use to cry about how worthless a Mac was back in the day because of the minimal software that was offered. Well in the same way so was PCs with Windows. In that time there was Windows 3.x and Windows 95 was around the corner. When you think about it how much software was available for Windows? Not much at all, we were still stuck with mostly DOS. Why is it so? Well because not many people liked a GUI desktop and preferred a Command Line Interface that uses less resources.

    Now lets skip ahead to when Apple had introduced OSX. Apple fan boys were freaking out because a BSD OS is a PITA and isn't easy to use. However Apple was able to make it work and work well because of the Aqua GUI. They made just about everything accessible from the GUI. Even hardcore BSD/UNIX users love it because it stayed with its roots of being a BSD based OS. Yet not much could of been done hardware wise since Apple was using the PPC format. Meanwhile a ton and I mean a ton of software was getting ported to OSX. Linux/BSD software and also Windows compatible software. Apple was smart on the switch really because over night they became a very versatile OS format. Now lets look at when Apple switched to a x86 based CPU. Some people were sad by it and a bunch were excited because now they could run three different OSes on one machine. Now you can run any software you want depending on if you have Windows and OS X installed ether with parallels installed or Bootcamp.

    Now lets look at the hardware. A computer from IBM back in the day ran a couple grand. Same with Apple granted they lost their mind with the Apple Lisa. Now look over the years on how the world has changed. Most of the computer hardware back then came out of the US, maybe Canada and Japan. Now since PCs are all clones and even OEM manufacturers have accepted it so instead of a brand new PC running around two grand you can buy one for $400.00 to $800.00 if you're a hardcore gamer or for server use. You as a OEM instead of spending a crap load of money in R&D you're just going to use something off the shelf. As in contacting a cheap manufacture like ECS and order a bunch of two year old motherboards to use in your latest PC model. Meanwhile Apple still makes all of their hardware and to cut some costs they have a plant in China put it all together. They spend a lot of money in R&D to make things compact for say the MacBook Air.
  • dosbox wrote:
    It's insecure, many of my preferred programs aren't there, and you really can't game with it; Even Gnu/Linux is a better gaming OS than OS X.

    I agree with what somebody said earlier in the thread, Apple is just for hipsters and "artists".
    What are you talking about, Macs are much more immune to viruses and problems than Windows, 70% of programs available exist on OS X, and yes, you can game on it (maybe not great, but you still can), evident by the 60% or so games on Steam that support OS X.

    Also, if you're ever going to mention the whole "Apple is for pussies" again, I repeat, GO FUCK YOURSELF because I am not interested in this goddamned level of anger and hate. True, a large amount of people who use Apple are just hips and "coolguys" and "coolgirls", a large amount of people use it because they just think it's a great OS, not because they are "hipsters and "artists"".
  • Ok. I actually tried an iMac at Best Buy, will probably get one. Thanks!
  • I use a Mac for video editing, Because Windows Movie Maker 2012 is too buggy on Windows 8 and Microsoft won't update it to work properly on Windows 10. I wish I could use it as a main computer, But unfortunately, Most of the applications I use (Specifically Paint.NET) are only available for Windows and I've tried to use Windows 10 with Boot Camp and it wasn't that good, Plus the Intel Iris 5100 has driver issues with the November update.
  • garirry wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    It's insecure, many of my preferred programs aren't there, and you really can't game with it; Even Gnu/Linux is a better gaming OS than OS X.

    I agree with what somebody said earlier in the thread, Apple is just for hipsters and "artists".
    What are you talking about, Macs are much more immune to viruses and problems than Windows, 70% of programs available exist on OS X, and yes, you can game on it (maybe not great, but you still can), evident by the 60% or so games on Steam that support OS X.

    Also, if you're ever going to mention the whole "Apple is for pussies" again, I repeat, GO FUCK YOURSELF because I am not interested in this goddamned level of anger and hate. True, a large amount of people who use Apple are just hips and "coolguys" and "coolgirls", a large amount of people use it because they just think it's a great OS, not because they are "hipsters and "artists"".

    Believe it or not fanboy/shareholder, OS X has become a major target for malware and Apple refuses to do anything about it. Some of the programs I find very essential to be don't have OS X versions. Also, the whole 60% of games on steam are for OS X doesn't mean jackshit; I'm, pretty sure a lot of those games would require more powerful hardware to actually play them, like a hackintosh.

    And Sorry, it is literally impossible for anybody to actually fuck themselves; So no, I won't fuck myself.
  • dosbox wrote:
    Believe it or not fanboy/shareholder, OS X has become a major target for malware and Apple refuses to do anything about it. Some of the programs I find very essential to be don't have OS X versions. Also, the whole 60% of games on steam are for OS X doesn't mean jackshit; I'm, pretty sure a lot of those games would require more powerful hardware to actually play them, like a hackintosh.

    And Sorry, it is literally impossible for anybody to actually fuck themselves; So no, I won't fuck myself.
    First off, I'm not a fanboy/shareholder. Second, OS X is basically nothing compared to Windows in terms of malware. If you really hate something for having viruses, I wonder why aren't you hating on Windows like crazy then. Regarding the games, I have a MacBook 2008. Running Windows on it and playing games usually results in terrible amounts of lag, to the point it is either unplayable or I have to massively sacrifice performance/quality. On OS X, a lot of those games run like a charm. So it's pretty much a myth, nothing else.

    Also, regarding your previous comment regarding the whole hipster thing, I personally feel like it's more of a hipster thing to hate on Apple than be obsessed with Apple. I think there are much more people who are like "Apple sucks because it sucks and because OS X sucks and its users suck and everyone around suck" rather than actual fanboys who will protect Apple. And I don't protect Apple because I'm a fanboy (hell, I use a Windows computer and Android phone as my main devices), I protect them because of the hate. And I hope you know that hate creates more hate.
  • Why do I hate OS X? Or really Apple in general? The biggest reason is the fanboys. They've turned an OS / hardware platform into a god damn religion. Which makes sense, because essentially that's how Steve Jobs saw it as well.

    First OS X version I used was 10.3 and there were a lot of little things that irked me (like, why does the trash can window have to be closed in order to empty it? Or why can you only resize Windows from the bottom right corner? I should point out these things have been fixed in newer versions) but I could have gotten passed those minor issues if it weren't for the major issue of fanboys. I refused to give them the satisfaction of liking anything about their holy OS.

    The truth of the matter is every OS both sucks and is great depending largely on each users personal preference and hardware / software support for what those users want to use their computer for. It sounds cliche, but it's true. Name a task and there is an app to do it on every platform and at the end of the day it's down to your own personal preference.

    I will say that using OS X for 5 minutes in a store is not enough to determine if you're going to like it as a daily driver or not. You have to be able to install the apps you're going to use every day and customize it and get a feel for it. The only way to do that is to use it full time for a week or so. I'd recommend experimenting with a hackintosh or OS X VM and then once you have it working, use it for a while and see if you like it. Try to reserve judgement about performance and focus instead on usability. The performance will be better on real apple hardware.
  • garirry wrote:
    Regarding the games, I have a MacBook 2008. Running Windows on it and playing games usually results in terrible amounts of lag, to the point it is either unplayable or I have to massively sacrifice performance/quality
    Well of course, genius. A 2008 laptop or laptop equivalent can't stand a more advanced 3D engine because, guess what, it's from 2008. And laptops weren't quite gaming efficient back then.
    garirry wrote:
    Also, regarding your previous comment regarding the whole hipster thing, I personally feel like it's more of a hipster thing to hate on Apple than be obsessed with Apple. I think there are much more people who are like "Apple sucks because it sucks and because OS X sucks and its users suck and everyone around suck" rather than actual fanboys who will protect Apple.
    You really don't know what "hipster" means.
    BlueSun wrote:
    The biggest reason is the fanboys. They've turned an OS / hardware platform into a god damn religion. Which makes sense, because essentially that's how Steve Jobs saw it as well.
    THIS. ^ ^ ^
  • God... I didn't think Macs would get this amount of scorn but from what I've seen from the three people (so far), I guess this only comes from their personal experience, and it should not affect another person especially for the likes of me and the OP. As long as I can use on for browsing, making documents for the web and managing my photographs that I hear would look crystal-clear on its Retina display, then I'm fine. My only gripe with OS X is how Aqua has been watered down to flat design but I can get used to that. Still looks better than Windows' take on it in my opinion.

    And yes, I am aware that Macs are becoming more prone to malware as evidenced by this article but that's only if you go to dodgy download sites where you really should stick to the App Store, or maybe use GetMacApps which is the Mac counterpart for the popular Ninite. There goes me thinking that Macs are more secure then unless I install MalwareBytes on that as with my current computer. Just keep note that I don't plan to switch to a Mac until another two or three years as for now, I want to stick to good ol' Windows 7 as long as I can.
  • garirry wrote:
    Regarding the games, I have a MacBook 2008. Running Windows on it and playing games usually results in terrible amounts of lag, to the point it is either unplayable or I have to massively sacrifice performance/quality
    Well of course, genius. A 2008 laptop or laptop equivalent can't stand a more advanced 3D engine because, guess what, it's from 2008. And laptops weren't quite gaming efficient back then.
    Re-read my damn post again.
    Regarding the games, I have a MacBook 2008. Running Windows on it and playing games usually results in terrible amounts of lag, to the point it is either unplayable or I have to massively sacrifice performance/quality. On OS X, a lot of those games run like a charm. So it's pretty much a myth, nothing else.
    You really don't know what "hipster" means.
    I do know what hipster means, thanks for doubting. :roll:
  • garirry wrote:
    You really don't know what "hipster" means.
    I do know what hipster means, thanks for doubting. :roll:

    Maybe you need a refresher.
  • dosbox wrote:
    garirry wrote:
    You really don't know what "hipster" means.
    I do know what hipster means, thanks for doubting. :roll:

    Maybe you need a refresher.

    Maybe you need to chill out.
  • Here's the thing about operating systems. After years of being a stupid fucking fanboy, and spouting stupid shit like "OMG LULZ OS HEX IS FOR FAGZ USE LINUCKS OR BEEESSDEE", I came to realize that no one cares what you're using on your desktop. It was this piece of information that brought me to realize that an operating system is only as good as the software that runs on it, and it's only good to a user who's needs are met by it. So use what you like. If you like OS X, go ahead, use it. I've been in love with Windows 10 since I used it, I actually switched from OS X to Windows again, and I love it. I love not having to hack games to work, I love the new features, the desktop interface, everything. I even love the new start menu, and Cortana makes my digital life easier. So just use what you like. If you don't know if you like it, just give it a shot in a VM. It might surprise you.
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