Windows 98 video screen capture software

edited April 2016 in Software
Hi guys, I am trying to find software that will allow me to record the screen of a Windows 98 computer so I can record gameplay for youtube videos. What programs do you know of?




  • If it's a VM, use something like Fraps on the host computer, assuming your computer is powerful to handle them both. If it's a computer on its own, then you really have no choice but to get an external capture card, because no software at the time will be able to record semi-decent screen footage. I would say that something like the Elgato Video Capture would work, assuming you use a VGA to analog video or something.
  • If you are using a virtual machine (e.g. VMware Workstation), then you can watch my video about recording the screen of Windows 98 with Fraps.

    Vasja Stojkovic
  • ok thanks
  • garirry wrote:
    If it's a computer on its own, then you really have no choice but to get an external capture card, because no software at the time will be able to record semi-decent screen footage. I would say that something like the Elgato Video Capture would work, assuming you use a VGA to analog video or something.
    If your computer's video card has S-Video out or Composite out. You can just connect it directly to the capture card. Most video cards from 2001-2004 should have S-video or Composite.
  • Or, if your PC have the RAM, HD and CPU power to spare you could try installing VirtualBox in the host, install Win2k in virtualbox and then install VirtualPC 2004 or 2007 and install Win98 plus your games in VirtualPC. That way you can use the built-in video capturing function of virtualbox to do the capturing. All you need is to set virtual pc to full screen so the captured video only shows the game without showing any of the Win2k interface. It's admittedly convoluted. But only because VirtualBox additions doesn't support win9x.
  • Virtualization is not useful if your games require hardware acceleration though. (VMware has 3D accel, but it's slow and requires at least 2000.)
  • Windows Media encoder might work, providing the machine you're using has enough grunt to capture full screen video.
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