I'm trying to install OS/2 Warp 4.52 on a Levon Thinkpad t61 core 2 duo running at 2.00GHZ with 2GB of ram
When I load the boot cd it loads but then fails with a bunch of hex a decimals.
Any help would be appreciated.
Take this one and only opportunity to give us relevant details of the specific errors and hex codes you have. Giving us this generic blob of crap that you did does nothing towards helping you find an answer.
That, and I also noticed that the images from version are indeed uninstallable and broken, whereas works. The difference between the two versions (iirc) is miniscule so if you're still adventurous try the 086 version.
Take this one and only opportunity to give us relevant details of the specific errors and hex codes you have. Giving us this generic blob of crap that you did does nothing towards helping you find an answer.
One of the tricks you could try, especially with older machines, is to go into the BIOS and look for a question 'is this an OS/2 operating system'. OS/2 treats higher memory differently to other systems.
Take this one and only opportunity to give us relevant details of the specific errors and hex codes you have. Giving us this generic blob of crap that you did does nothing towards helping you find an answer.
Your laptop is probably too new for this.