Installing Windows 1.0 Problems!

edited June 2016 in Software
I have downloaded Windows 1.01, to install on my PC; Although when i copy all the files from the boot disks to my hard drive, and used the subst command on DOS 7.1, i can't get past the Build Disk part of it, it reads "Please Insert the build disk into drive a:" and i hit c (continue) and it tells me that "the disk in drive a: is not the build disk". I have no idea what i'm doing wrong.

Thank you.


  • You probably missed a file or used SUBST wrong. Remember, the Windows 1.x installer was hard coded to run from the A: drive.

    Make sure that all of the files from all of the disks are visible in the root of the substituted A: drive when you do a "DIR A:\" and that "A:" is set as the current drive before running setup.

    Before you're asking the question, I recommend to read installation notes carefully.

    Windows 1.01 doesn't install or run on DOS 4.0x or higher.
    Also it can be installed from Floppy drive that SomeGuy said.

    Here is screenshot of installing Windows 1.03 on DOS 2.00 with 256KB


    Windows 1.0x is for old PC with DOS 3.3x or under.
    If your PC environment can't install DOS 3.3x or under version, I recommend to use PCE/PCEM or PC emulator.
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