Game Maker 1.1 - 6.1 download

edited June 2016 in Software
If anyone remembers the old Game Maker programs, here's some here ... r_Versions
I will try and find Game Maker 7(because the download doesn't work anymore) and 8(YouTube is easy to find 7 and 8), YoYoGames seems to not support GM8 and HTML5 anymore, as they currently support Game Maker Studio.
EDIT 1: I found a website with serial keys for Game Maker 5 and higher ... d5a6.html#


  • Oh my... Game Maker. I remember failing to make a simple game with that back in the day, numerous times :P However, you might want to take into consideration that this programs requires a registration if you want access to more features such as making particles and other advanced things. I know that Game Maker 6 and later had it but not sure for the earlier ones.
  • Thanks for this, it may make me seem a bit incompetent now but back when GM8 was still new I remember not being able to find the 1-5 versions.

    The easiest games to make are maze games if memory serves.
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