Youtube Client for Windows 2000?

edited June 2016 in Software
Hello there!

This is my first post in this forum :P

I've been wondering... Is there an youtube client for Windows 2000 that still works?

Just because I'm trying to use my Windows 2000 machine as much as possible and I'm bored :P

Thanks =3


  • Haven't tried it lately, but Firefox 10ESR or Firefox 12 with Flash should still work. Those are the last 2000 compatible versions.

    There are some hacks/updates to get some later versions to run, but I don't know how far that will take you or what the stability is like.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    There are some hacks/updates to get some later versions to run, but I don't know how far that will take you or what the stability is like.

    Not very stable. I actually just put 2000 on a box I recently acquired for shits and giggles and I used one my copies of flash player 11.2 that had the compatibility hacks. It installed fine and loaded the player ok, but the video would only play for about a second before erroring out with the super helpful message, "an error occurred"
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    Haven't tried it lately, but Firefox 10ESR or Firefox 12 with Flash should still work. Those are the last 2000 compatible versions.

    There are some hacks/updates to get some later versions to run, but I don't know how far that will take you or what the stability is like.

    Haven't tried it yet, but knowing my pc, it will crash in no time...

    What I'm looking for is some way of playing Youtube videos without maxing out the CPU, which is very common when accessing the Internet for me :cry:

    Sorry for not making it clear on the post :(
  • I actually did the same thing as BlueSun on a Dell Dimension Pentium 4 system not too long ago (I forced Win2K onto it). The result was actually a BSOD after watching a video for about 30 to 40 seconds. Quite odd considering the hardware it has (a 2.8GHz P4 w/ 1.5GB DDR RAM and a GeForce4 5400) shouldn't have given me any problems, and should've had plenty of horsepower to do the task.
  • I'm able to watch youtube videos by using firefox 12 and flash player 10.something. Although my windows 2000 computer was originally made for windows xp sp3...
  • birdy wrote:
    I'm able to watch youtube videos by using firefox 12 and flash player 10.something. Although my windows 2000 computer was originally made for windows xp sp3...

    Does the CPU max out or is it stable?
  • Last time I got the thing connected to the Internet, I recall the cpu wasn't maxing out. The only things the run the cpu is iTunes 4.1 and GTA 2. Do bare in mind that my cpu is about 1.1GHz, with about 1GB of memory...
  • birdy wrote:
    Last time I got the thing connected to the Internet, I recall the cpu wasn't maxing out. The only things the run the cpu is iTunes 4.1 and GTA 2. Do bare in mind that my cpu is about 1.1GHz, with about 1GB of memory...

    hmm... I tried it, but I've tried Flash 10 on my computer and it got to the loading stage, but it kept loading ;_;

    Any suggestions? =3
  • Sorry for the late reply, as my Internet on my side is shit, and I got work to do...

    What browser are you using currently. I know for a fact that ie5 will not work. Try Firefox 12 and or Opera 10. As those are the last versions that will install on windows 2000 SP1-4. A quick google search yields this result as well. It supports html 5, there for eliminating the flash problem.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    Not very stable. I actually just put 2000 on a box I recently acquired for shits and giggles and I used one my copies of flash player 11.2 that had the compatibility hacks. It installed fine and loaded the player ok, but the video would only play for about a second before erroring out with the super helpful message, "an error occurred"

    My experience with these hacks, personally, are very great. I have a netbook (deigned for Windows XP) to which I applied the extended kernel onto Windows 2000. What I got out of it was a not half-bad web browsing and basic productivity machine. The only bugs I've found are that some programs won't install due to being heavily reliant on features that if ported to Windows 2000 would break the native 2000 system and that specifically one this one WiFi card (Intel Pro-set Wireless 2200BG I think) I have to spend a few minutes reinstalling the drivers (without the computer restarting) upon boot-up. I installed Firefox 45.2 ESR and it plays YouTube great for a 2004 low spec laptop which is what it is. The specs are only 512 MB of RAM and a 1.6GHz Pentium M. It plays YouTube videos great for an old computer and OS, but modern computers definitely do it better. The maximum resolution I can choke the thing up to is either 144p or 240p (if I'm lucky, 360p), but this is likely due to the specs (which I'm surprised can even play YouTube videos). The fact that it plays YouTube without choking itself is surprising. The magic of lightweight OSes, I guess.

    I still use it when someone needs to use my computer or I just want to get on the internet fast. I also use it when it's closer in proximity to me unless I need to do more resource-heavy tasks on a Macbook Pro with Windows (my main ;3).

    That's my take on this.
  • birdy wrote:
    Sorry for the late reply, as my Internet on my side is shit, and I got work to do...

    What browser are you using currently. I know for a fact that ie5 will not work. Try Firefox 12 and or Opera 10. As those are the last versions that will install on windows 2000 SP1-4. A quick google search yields this result as well. It supports html 5, there for eliminating the flash problem.

    After days of research, I came to the conclusion that my PC has legit problems =(

    While I'm playing games it behaves amazingly, but the second I connect to the Internet with any browser thats not IE 5, my PC tends to reboot without warning =/

    Maybe the CPU is maxing out or something else, I have no idea.

    No luck for me ;_;

    (I tried an old version of seamonkey, then I tried Firefox, both had the same symptoms)
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