IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • *Rorke's Drift (20477)

    (1990 / Impressions)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RORKE EXE 29780 11-13-90 11:59p
    RDSTART RAW 32000 8-23-90 6:33a
    MPANEL RAW 32000 9-17-90 5:43p
    MSCORE2 RAW 32000 8-28-90 12:31a
    RDMAP RAW 32000 8-28-90 12:31a
    RDPRIVAT DAT 19200 8-20-90 9:11p
    AMMO DAT 5760 8-28-90 12:28a
    FONT DAT 4720 8-28-90 12:28a
    MEDIC DAT 5760 8-28-90 12:28a
    OFFICER DAT 19200 8-28-90 12:28a
    POINTER2 DAT 6400 9-17-90 5:47p
    RDBITS DAT 8000 8-28-90 12:28a
    RDDOTS DAT 800 8-28-90 12:29a
    STORCEL4 DAT 34560 8-28-90 12:34a
    SARG DAT 19200 8-28-90 12:29a
    SMALLNO DAT 1400 8-28-90 12:29a
    ZULU DAT 19200 8-28-90 12:30a
    INSTALAD BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALAC BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALAE BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALBE BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALBC BAT 40 10-31-90 8:01a
    INSTALBD BAT 40 10-31-90 8:01a
    23 File(s) 46080 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    RORKEC EXE 29832 11-14-90 12:01a
    RDSTARTC CGA 16384 10-25-90 9:58a
    MPANELC CGA 16384 10-30-90 5:51a
    MSCOREC CGA 16384 10-30-90 5:51a
    RDMAPC CGA 16384 10-25-90 12:54p
    OFFICER SPR 15360 10-28-90 9:53a
    RDPRIVAT SPR 15360 10-28-90 9:50a
    ZULU SPR 15360 10-28-90 9:53a
    AMMO SPR 4608 10-28-90 9:54a
    MEDIC SPR 4608 10-28-90 9:54a
    STORCEL4 SPR 27648 10-28-90 9:58a
    RDBITS SPR 6400 10-28-90 9:59a
    RDDOTS SPR 4224 10-28-90 10:00a
    FONT SPR 3840 10-30-90 5:31a
    SARG SPR 15360 10-29-90 10:13a
    POINTER SPR 5120 10-30-90 6:05a
    INSTALAD BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALAC BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALAE BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALBE BAT 40 10-31-90 8:00a
    INSTALBC BAT 40 10-31-90 8:01a
    INSTALBD BAT 40 10-31-90 8:01a
    22 File(s) 139264 bytes free
  • *Rorke's Drift (Screenshot) (20478)

  • edited December 2023
    *Rorke's Drift (Hercules Mode) (Screenshot) (20479)

  • edited December 2023
    *Rorke's Drift (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (20480)

  • edited December 2023
    *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (11/02/1990) (20531)

    (1990 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    FRED EXE 77773 11-02-90 9:00a
    FFTITLE LBM 16684 10-08-80 2:56p
    FLOGOHT LBM 12784 10-30-90 5:58p
    FREDART1 GPK 21365 10-26-90 9:19a
    FREDART2 GPK 54537 10-31-90 1:35p
    FGRAPH CMP 27896 10-31-90 12:00p
    FSPT2 CMP 3052 10-18-90 7:41a
    FSPT3 CMP 22069 10-31-90 3:22p
    8 File(s) 122880 bytes free
  • *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (11/02/1990) (Screenshot) (20532)

  • edited December 2023
    *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (11/02/1990) (3.5") (20533)

    (1990 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    FRED EXE 77773 11-02-90 9:00a
    FFTITLE LBM 16684 10-08-80 2:56p
    FLOGOHT LBM 12784 10-30-90 5:58p
    FREDART1 GPK 21365 10-26-90 9:19a
    FREDART2 GPK 54537 10-31-90 1:35p
    FGRAPH CMP 27896 10-31-90 12:00p
    FSPT2 CMP 3052 10-18-90 7:41a
    FSPT3 CMP 22069 10-31-90 3:22p
    8 File(s) 490496 bytes free
  • *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (11/02/1990) (3.5") (Screenshot) (20534)

  • *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (03/20/1991) (20535)

    (1991 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    BL CMP 10340 2-19-91 6:11p
    BR CMP 10111 2-19-91 6:11p
    DD CMP 22198 2-22-91 5:49p
    FFTITLE LBM 17010 11-19-80 1:10p
    FGRAPH CMP 11405 2-10-91 5:30p
    FISH UNC 3029 2-19-91 2:58p
    FL CMP 11932 2-23-91 4:18p
    FLOGOHT LBM 12762 2-21-91 12:56p
    FN1 GPK 8749 1-16-91 4:16p
    FN3 GPK 4368 2-20-91 12:52p
    FN4 GPK 27095 2-20-91 2:51p
    FN5 GPK 29132 2-20-91 6:44p
    FR CMP 11668 2-23-91 4:18p
    FREDART1 GPK 20961 2-20-91 1:03p
    FSPT2 CMP 3052 10-18-90 7:41a
    FSPT3 CMP 23925 2-26-91 2:01p
    GOSH CBK 7518 3-15-91 6:04p
    SQUIRREL UNC 2390 2-21-91 2:59p
    STATE RST 205 3-15-91 6:28p
    FRED EXE 74284 3-20-91 2:45p
    20 File(s) 39936 bytes free
  • *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (03/20/1991) (Screenshot) (20536)

  • *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (03/20/1990) (3.5") (20537)

    (1991 / Hi-Tech Expressions, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    BL CMP 10340 2-19-91 6:11p
    BR CMP 10111 2-19-91 6:11p
    DD CMP 22198 2-22-91 5:49p
    FFTITLE LBM 17010 11-19-80 1:10p
    FGRAPH CMP 11405 2-10-91 5:30p
    FISH UNC 3029 2-19-91 2:58p
    FL CMP 11932 2-23-91 4:18p
    FLOGOHT LBM 12762 2-21-91 12:56p
    FN1 GPK 8749 1-16-91 4:16p
    FN3 GPK 4368 2-20-91 12:52p
    FN4 GPK 27095 2-20-91 2:51p
    FN5 GPK 29132 2-20-91 6:44p
    FR CMP 11668 2-23-91 4:18p
    FREDART1 GPK 20961 2-20-91 1:03p
    FSPT2 CMP 3052 10-18-90 7:41a
    FSPT3 CMP 23925 2-26-91 2:01p
    GOSH CBK 7518 3-15-91 6:04p
    SQUIRREL UNC 2390 2-21-91 2:59p
    STATE RST 205 3-15-91 6:28p
    FRED EXE 74284 3-20-91 2:45p
    20 File(s) 407552 bytes free
  • *The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedrock (03/20/1990) (3.5") (Screenshot) (20538)

  • *Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (20603)

    (1983 / SEGA Enterprises, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information : )
  • *Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Screenshot) (20604)

  • edited February 2024
    *Mindshadow (20675)

    (1985 / Activision, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 320KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : CGA / CGA Composite)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )
  • edited February 2024
    *Mindshadow (Screenshot) (20676)

  • *Archipelagos (UK) (20709)

    (1989 / Logotron Ltd)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    A BIN 922 6-09-80 8:11p
    B BIN 140 6-09-80 8:12p
    C BIN 140 6-09-80 8:12p
    D BIN 1444 6-09-80 8:13p
    F BIN 51200 11-20-85 12:35a
    G BIN 40962 4-07-89 4:53p
    I BIN 2048 3-13-89 5:10p
    J BIN 32066 1-01-80 12:18a
    K BIN 16032 1-01-80 12:04a
    ARCHI EXE 184282 4-05-89 2:45p
    10 File(s) 28672 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    A BIN 922 6-09-80 8:11p
    B BIN 140 6-09-80 8:12p
    C BIN 140 6-09-80 8:12p
    D BIN 1444 6-09-80 8:13p
    E BIN 32066 1-01-80 12:04a
    F BIN 51200 11-20-85 12:35a
    G BIN 40962 4-07-89 10:02a
    H BIN 32066 1-01-80 12:02a
    I BIN 2048 3-13-89 5:10p
    ARCHI EXE 143945 4-05-89 3:18p
    10 File(s) 52224 bytes free
  • edited February 2024
    *Archipelagos (UK) (Screenshot) (20710)

  • *Archipelagos (UK) (3.5") (20711)

    (1989 / Logotron Ltd)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    A BIN 922 6-09-80 8:11p
    B BIN 140 6-09-80 8:12p
    C BIN 140 6-09-80 8:12p
    D BIN 1444 6-09-80 8:13p
    F BIN 51200 11-20-85 12:35a
    G BIN 40962 4-07-89 4:53p
    I BIN 2048 3-13-89 5:10p
    J BIN 32066 1-01-80 12:18a
    K BIN 16032 1-01-80 12:04a
    ACGA EXE 184282 4-05-89 2:45p
    H BIN 32066 1-01-80 12:02a
    E BIN 32066 1-01-80 12:04a
    AEGA EXE 143945 4-05-89 3:18p
    SELECT COM 149 4-10-89 9:52a
    ARCHI BAT 127 4-10-89 9:57a
    15 File(s) 184320 bytes free
  • *Archipelagos (UK) (3.5") (Screenshot) (20712)

  • *AERIAL (20717)

    (2024 / INUFUTO)
    (Media : 5.25" 320KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )
  • *AERIAL (Screenshot) (20718)

  • *Apache Strike (SIMCGA Mode) (Screenshot) (20735)

  • *Apache Strike (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (20736)

  • edited February 2024
    *Boppie's Great Word Chase (20759)

    (1985 / DLM, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : PC Booter)
    (Graphics : CGA / CGA Composite / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )
  • *Boppie's Great Word Chase (Screenshot) (20760)

  • *ArithMATIC: Addition (20771)

    (1984 / Compu-Teach)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    READ ME! 5850 12-02-84 2:56p
    MYNAME PAS 301 12-02-84 9:37a
    SCALARS PAS 3881 11-03-84 2:47p
    GAME1 PAS 5135 11-01-84 12:44p
    FUNCKEYS PAS 853 11-05-84 11:57a
    IOERROR PAS 2940 12-02-84 11:20a
    TYPEAHED PAS 669 11-05-84 3:48p
    RANDOM PAS 3691 12-02-84 11:01a
    DIRECTRY PAS 2396 11-05-84 11:46a
    QDL PAS 9946 12-02-84 11:02a
    DISKSTUS PAS 3088 12-02-84 11:04a
    VERSION PAS 469 11-01-84 2:14p
    IBMINT10 PAS 1996 12-02-84 11:03a
    MEMSCREN PAS 2237 12-02-84 11:03a
    CMDLINE PAS 646 11-01-84 2:45p
    COMLIB PAS 6482 11-01-84 4:39p
    TBOMOUSE PAS 1448 11-05-84 11:19a
    FILLCHAR PAS 971 11-05-84 12:20p
    CHNGDIR PAS 1283 11-05-84 1:13p
    FILTER PAS 1407 12-01-84 8:35p
    CPMDIR PAS 1128 12-02-84 11:05a
    CPMSTAT PAS 3102 11-05-84 1:26p
    INLINE PAS 899 11-05-84 7:59p
    PASS ASM 1074 11-05-84 8:06p
    PASSFUNC PAS 509 11-05-84 8:08p
    LISTT PAS 35476 12-02-84 2:17p
    LISTT DOC 5221 12-02-84 2:05p
    DEFAULT LTP 1000 11-11-84 10:26p
    EPSON80 LTP 1000 11-11-84 10:26p
    EPSON100 LTP 1000 11-11-84 10:26p
    OKI82 LTP 1000 11-11-84 10:26p
    OKI92 LTP 1000 11-11-84 10:26p
    OKI93 LTP 1000 11-11-84 10:27p
    33 File(s) 44032 bytes free
  • *ArithMATIC: Addition (Screenshot) (20772)

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