word document

edited June 2016 in Software
Almost every day I use MS Word 2003. It is quite old, but reliable. Some days ago, I stumbled upon a problem - Word was unable to read this document. It may be corrupt. This error appeared only in one word file. How to recover word .doc?


  • Hmm. This sounds kind of spammy, and is not the sort of thing we deal with here.

    But anyway, try opening it LibreOffice https://www.libreoffice.org/

    If that can't open it then nothing will.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    Hmm. This sounds kind of spammy, and is not the sort of thing we deal with here.

    But anyway, try opening it LibreOffice https://www.libreoffice.org/

    If that can't open it then nothing will.

    Except a hex editor or NotePad++ that is.
  • I think this problem will not so helpful on this forum.

    The best way is to contact to Microsoft.
  • ibmpc5150 wrote:
    I think this problem will not so helpful on this forum.

    The best way is to contact to Microsoft.

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