Compiling my dBase system

edited July 2016 in Software
I have successfully downloaded and extracted the dBASE III Plus 1.1 and it opens fine. I was even able to copy the same files to my picture framing directory and able to manipulate my data bases. Now can you help me to compile my dBase system to get a new executable? I have forgotten the syntax for the compile command. Again, you guys (I may be assuming wrongly that you are 'guys') have been a great help. I have been trying for months to even get a copy of dBase III.


  • As I recall, technically dBase III does not have a compiler. That is what people used third party products like Clipper for. Apparently it does have an "application generator" for producing a runtime version but I'm afraid I don't know how to use that.

    This is why we need to get more manuals scanned and archived. But the few times I have seen dBase III Plus 1.x manuals on eBay, I have gotten way outbid.

    That said, there is a dBase II manual although that might not be much help, and there seem to be some miscellaneous tutorials floating around on the web that you might try googling for.

    Edit: Just a thought, but you might also try asking over at the vintage computing forum they do not permit requesting or sharing software, but now that you have the software perhaps someone might happen to have a manual they could dig up.
  • You are correct. I remember now. I used Clipper Summer 87 as my compiler. The beginning of the compile command is 'plink86 fi' but I don't remember the rest plus I will need the Clipper software. I know that Nantucket, the developer of Clipper, is still in existence but they have moved way beyond the summer 87 version. Their new version costs $695. Does anyone know if a download exists for Clipper Summer 87 or would that even be legal?
  • You can find Nantucket clipper summer 87 at:

    Copy 1 ... 7/?id=8138

    Copy 2 ... /?id=10365

    These are both installed directories, not install disks.
    As you have experience with this software, it may do what you need.
  • I tried both links below:

    Copy 1 ... 7/?id=8138

    Copy 2 ... /?id=10365

    and I get the same error message that the files are unsafe and were stopped by SmartScreen Filter. I have Norton 360 Premier installed but I've never heard of Smart Screen. Could it be a function of Windows 10?
  • Both of those files check out fine in a multi-vendor virus scan. (And BTW, believe it or not Vetusware does scan files). Yes, "Smart Screen" is a Microsoft thing.
  • Is there another way to get the files without going through Windows 10? I have a laptop and another desktop but both are also Windows 10 so I doubt I would have better results with them.
  • chblanford wrote:
    "I tried both links....
    ...and I get the same error message that the files are unsafe and were stopped by SmartScreen Filter."

    You can temporarily disable Windows SmartScreen in Windows 10.
    The following site provides instructions: ... indows-10/

    I use Windows 7 and Firefox, so I've never had this problem.
  • OK, I finally got it to download. What I did was to go Windows 10 Settings. Advnaced at the very bottom and again at the bottom turned off SmartScreen. My download worked perfectly. Thanks for everybody's help. This forum is great!!!
  • I have all of the modules for compiling with Clipper Summer 87 except expl_bx.prg and subntxd. Can anyone help me locate these? Thanks.
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