Dimension L500r problems again

edited August 2016 in Software
So if you remember a bit a go I was talking of getting a new video for a computer of mine but the Windows 98 second failed and i put Windows 2000 advanced server on it instead and changed the hard disc because I thought maybe it was failing and after I changed it it doesn't look like it helped because I can use it for like 3 minutes and it bluescreens this:
And when it's starting up it does this message as well:

I don't knows what wrong with it but it's a Dell dimension l 500 r but on the bios screen is says l 933 r because I upgraded the c p u it did the same thing with the 500 and the 433 c which is a Celeron I don't know what to do with this I have a second motherboard but I don't know if it works or no

I know that this Windows wasn't the best Windows for it but I could not get 98 second or XP or normal 2000 to install and start into the desktop so this was the only one I could use

Do I have to change any parts on it what do I do here in stumped maybe you people will be able to help me out here


  • Seems like some kind of defective hardware - Event Viewer might be able to tell you what driver is crashing, as a clue.
  • Two things you can do:
    Assuming Windows 2000 installed without any errors, try booting to Safe Mode (Press F8 while Windows is starting, right after the BIOS tests are completed).

    If it boots OK, it's probably a driver - Microsoft suggest a graphics driver is likely, so see if you can find a later one and install it.


    Go to Dell's website and go to the downloads section for your machine, and see if there's an updated BIOS you can install as that might be upsetting Windows 2000.

    Hope this helps.
  • ampharos wrote:
    Seems like some kind of defective hardware - Event Viewer might be able to tell you what driver is crashing, as a clue.

    The weird thing is that the original hard disk (which had Windows 98SE on it) worked fine, and Windows XP was mostly stable, aside from the occasional error dialogue. The problem seems to be with Windows 2000 only, and while I'm perfectly willing to replace most of the computer, this is the third motherboard I've tried (L800r, L433c, L500r (this one).
  • Two things you can do:
    Assuming Windows 2000 installed without any errors, try booting to Safe Mode (Press F8 while Windows is starting, right after the BIOS tests are completed).

    If it boots OK, it's probably a driver - Microsoft suggest a graphics driver is likely, so see if you can find a later one and install it.


    Go to Dell's website and go to the downloads section for your machine, and see if there's an updated BIOS you can install as that might be upsetting Windows 2000.

    Hope this helps.

    Safe mode doesn't give me the error immediately, but it does give the error after a minute or two of using the system, and even then it occasionally hangs before then.

    Dell doesn't seem to carry the files for this particular model anymore, though it might've been having problems when I last looked, so I'll check again. The Intel 810E video drivers built into Windows 98SE and Windows XP seem to work fine as stated above, any ideas on why this could be?
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