What is the longest time your home server has stayed on?

edited August 2016 in Software
Hello every one, my question is simple, what is the longest uptime that your home server has been up before crashing? The reason I'm asking is because I am wondering how long an average home server would last, as mine is pushing 9 days.


  • I haven't had one in like over 10 years but I had a FreeBSD box stay on over a year. It was one UPS but the power was pretty stable.

    Internet would be a different story, but if we're just talking machine stability then yeah.
  • Mine can usually go for half a year before a split second brownout or spurious crash. Two years before it accumulates enough dust to start overheating and needing maintenance.
  • The last time my home servers crashed was probably around 2008 or so due to a hardware fault.

    Otherwise my uptime is usually around a month since the servers are regularly patched and rebooted for updates.
  • Mine just keeps going and going and going and going and--

    goddamnit I'm out of RAM!
  • I have an old Sunfire v100 operating as a personal file server. Has a second server that comes up 2-3 hours a week for backup.

    Last time I brought it down was when I moved back in 2012 and upgraded ram and cooling as well.

    Take good care of your machine and it takes care of you.
  • 250 Days sans UPS. I don't really take notice anymore but I've gotten 400+ days.

    Edit: lol, 2006

  • I don't have any sort of home server, and I don't get the appeal for them.
  • A few of my servers have stayed on as long as 12 years. Hard as that may be to believe, they were not SOHO servers but rather DEC / Compaq Alpha Servers and we kept them really clean. Running Tru64 and OpenVMS also played a big role in long term stability aside from the hardware. I hope this helps, if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
    Dr. Jim
    Former DEC / Compaq EM.
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