Best browser for 16mb of ram?

edited August 2016 in Software
Question because I have an old Win95 machine with 16mb of ram, and Internet Explorer can't support new HTML.


  • I would say either Opera 7 or Firefox 1/2. Or, use one of the browsers specially modified for Win95.
  • You could also try text a browser such as lynx or links...
  • 16MB of ram is not going to be enough. That was hardly enough even for Netscape 4.x. And "modern" web pages are huge, filled with retarded shit scripting. "Modern" web designers always assume a computer has over 9000GB of RAM.

    Still, earlier version of Opera might just squeeze in there, Lynx as mentioned above might cut through the modern garbage, and you might look at some of the DOS based browsers like Arachne, but I'm not sure how far that will get you.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    16MB of ram is not going to be enough. That was hardly enough even for Netscape 4.x. And "modern" web pages are huge, filled with retarded shit scripting. "Modern" web designers always assume a computer has over 9000GB of RAM.

    Completely with you here SomeGuy. In an effort to get my IBM PS/1 on the internet (which was successful), and also as an excuse to use Win95 so I could use the ISA sound card that I had (Win3.11/DOS drivers don't work, but I'm working on that). I originally had 4MB of RAM in the system, but jumped to 16MB for the install. However, even after installing everything, Win95 would actually kernel panic (or "Blue Screen"), saying it had run into a fatal error, which was that it had used all of its RAM.

    I currently have 36MB of 72-PIN SIMM's in the system, and other than the INTeL 486SX and the on-board Cirrus Logic CL-GD5424 video card (with 512KB of VRAM!) making any website look like a slideshow, even the most simple text based pages. (I've checked, the ISA Ethernet/coaxBNC card in another computer, its speed is not the issue)
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    16MB of ram is not going to be enough. That was hardly enough even for Netscape 4.x. And "modern" web pages are huge, filled with retarded shit scripting. "Modern" web designers always assume a computer has over 9000GB of RAM.

    Still, earlier version of Opera might just squeeze in there, Lynx as mentioned above might cut through the modern garbage, and you might look at some of the DOS based browsers like Arachne, but I'm not sure how far that will get you.
    100% agree, although i'm a bit conservative when coding my web pages :lol: . Lynx cuts through the garbage pretty darn well, I'm just viewing cnn, and my system monitor is showing a 2.6 mb ram usage. Although I'm on Linux, which could make a difference.
  • I am pretty sure 16MB of RAM is too little to run modern webpages. Try upgrading your RAM? If you must, I suggest trying the first version of Opera. Not the best, but it would work better than IE.
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