The funniest Windows 98 installation ever

edited August 2016 in Software
Okay, so obviously your thinking, "How could '98 be funny to install, let alone somewhat boring...", right? :roll:


Well during the installation, i needed to insert a boot disk. I said, "Okay..." and went to go get myself a boot disk for both operating systems. (Since 95 needed one as well).

So i get to put the boot disk into the 98 machine and int finishes installing. No big deal, right?

So when its final done and ready to reboot, i see the load up screen (forgot i still had the bootdisk in the system) and i go through it. There, Right on top of the screen it says:

"Welcome to Windows 95..."

I was laughing so much. I checked what disk i put in for both systems, and they both were from Windows 95. So i took it out and to my surprise it booted up normally, continuing the setup! I find it funny though, to think that i used a Windows 95 boot disk for a Windows 98 OS and it works perfectly fine! I guess i found a universal boot disk or something. :lol:


  • How is OS/2 Warp 3 relevant to this thread about 95/98?

    I also can't really follow the story, are you saying that you dual booted 95/98? In that case unless your computer was booting from the 95 boot disk you should've seen two options for Microsoft Windows (I don't believe 95/98 differentiated themselves in the boot menu if I'm remembering right). If you were booting from a 95 boot disk then it wouldn't have said "Welcome to Windows 95", it would've said "Starting Windows 95" and booted into an MS-DOS Prompt.

    I also don't really get how this story is so funny.
  • 66659hi wrote:
    How is OS/2 Warp 3 relevant to this thread about 95/98?

    I also can't really follow the story, are you saying that you dual booted 95/98? In that case unless your computer was booting from the 95 boot disk you should've seen two options for Microsoft Windows (I don't believe 95/98 differentiated themselves in the boot menu if I'm remembering right). If you were booting from a 95 boot disk then it wouldn't have said "Welcome to Windows 95", it would've said "Starting Windows 95" and booted into an MS-DOS Prompt.

    I also don't really get how this story is so funny.

    ^ this. All of this.
  • Removed the irrelevant poll.

    Anyway, it is a fairly well known fact that the "MS-DOS 7.1" bundled with Windows 95 OSR/2, Windows 98, and Windows 98SE are functionally identical and completely interchangeable.

    7.0 bundled with Windows 95 RTM, and 8.0 bundled with ME have other various differences.
  • AMine wrote:
    Okay, so obviously your thinking, "How could '98 be funny to install, let alone somewhat boring...", right? :roll:

    Not to be a dick, but if it was that obvious then you probably shouldn't have posted this.
  • Like what others said, I fail to see what's so funny about it all. Also, if you really laughed out loud over that, that's... really sad.

    Furthermore, this reminded me of the nonsensical crap our great friend Po Lu would post.
  • These setups which relied on boot disks and Dos copied DOS strings and basic config from the boot floppy. Dos is dos, whether it is rigged to boot Windows or not.
    Similar case with the Dos loaded to ram on the bootable cdroms.

    In the case of OP, because the Dos are similar between 95 and 98, setup had no problem copying off Windows 95 strings to the system when he used the 95 boot disk.

    I'm guessing this little 'slip' involving incorrect strings must've been top notch comedy gold to OP because of things not fitting in like normal.
    To a preteen things like this trip up their funnybone, but to most other people out of that category... not quite. Prolly idiotic at best.

    I'd expect more of these out of OP, hopefully nothing Marlboro or Dallas quality.
    Though I will admit those folks brought 'fun' to my otherwise boring life.
  • These setups which relied on boot disks and Dos copied DOS strings and basic config from the boot floppy. Dos is dos, whether it is rigged to boot Windows or not.
    Similar case with the Dos loaded to ram on the bootable cdroms.

    In the case of OP, because the Dos are similar between 95 and 98, setup had no problem copying off Windows 95 strings to the system when he used the 95 boot disk.

    I'm guessing this little 'slip' involving incorrect strings must've been top notch comedy gold to OP because of things not fitting in like normal.
    To a preteen things like this trip up their funnybone, but to most other people out of that category... not quite. Prolly idiotic at best.

    I'd expect more of these out of OP, hopefully nothing Marlboro or Dallas quality.
    Though I will admit those folks brought 'fun' to my otherwise boring life.

    Well, considering i am quite young, it did make me laugh a bit. :P
  • Not quite funny, but some times we all have these funny moments. Although when repeated to others, its not really funny, its more like "Yeah so what?"
    SomeGuy wrote:
    Removed the irrelevant poll.

    Anyway, it is a fairly well known fact that the "MS-DOS 7.1" bundled with Windows 95 OSR/2, Windows 98, and Windows 98SE are functionally identical and completely interchangeable.

    7.0 bundled with Windows 95 RTM, and 8.0 bundled with ME have other various differences.
    There is some thing I didn't know. Well I guess there is some thing after all to be learned in this thread. And no Po Lu post's were a little bit more hard to follow than the OP.

    Isn't easy just to change the boot screen on the early 9.x systems? So there for you don't get 2 computers saying Windows 95...
  • If we are not going to have intelligent discussion on the topic, then let's move on.
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