''sh'' process on Galaxy Tab 2 gone rogue! Help!

edited September 2016 in Software
For some unknown reason, the process called ''sh'' has gone rogue and is taking up most of the CPU power on my overclocked galaxy tab 2. Now I keep having
to type 3 lines of commands into the terminal emulator every time I start up the tablet, which is EXTREMELY annoying! If anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me. Thanks in advance.

P.S. I am running one of the newer builds of CyanogenMod 11 with the blackhawk next kernel installed.


  • We don't really do mobile stuff here, but perhaps someone else has an answer.
  • I'm going to assume this is a linux related question. Please post your out put of the process that you speak of, so we could diagnose this problem further. Also since I would assume that you know linux, instead of typing 3 commands why not just do this:
    echo " command1; command2; command3" > short 
    chomd 750 short
    There for you can eliminate many keystrokes with one single script.
  • sh runs shell scripts - can you figure out the full command line of it is, and see if you can get the path of the script, and maybe parent process?
  • My 3 lines of commands are:
    pidof sh
    kill -15 <process id of sh>

    The pid of sh varies every time I boot android up, so the triple-command script is not an option. Also, despite 4 years of experience with android, I have no clue how to figure out which script is loading the CPU to near maximum. If I could please get easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions, that would be great.
  • Use the command "ps" to find what sh is actually running, I'm a little rusty on which command line options you need to present all processes on Linux, as I'm sure FreeBSDs ps may be different, but on FreeBSD I'd use "ps -aux".
  • Does the killall command exist? If it does, you can do killall -15 sh instead.
  • ubuntuxp wrote:
    Does the killall command exist? If it does, you can do killall -15 sh instead.

    This is *not* recommended. There are many "apps" that actually execute themselves as sh scripts. You'll kill all of these in the process.
  • Well, I tried killing apps (this did not work). I know that the main 'perpetrator' was something called ''migration/0'' (without quotations). I ended up using a last resort fix (wiping /data , /cache and a few other data folders without wiping the media storage). This seemed to completely fix the issue. I probably would have used killall, but I didn't have time to check my WinBoards posts until now.
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