How to fix HD video after the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

edited September 2016 in Software
I was on the internet yesterday and I found a lot of people complaining about the Windows 10 Anniversary Update and how HD or 4K videos on YouTube and other video sites may freeze.

Well.. It took a bit of thinking, it turns out the Graphics Driver is at fault here. If you haven't updated or can't update your graphics driver, keep reading to work out how. This applies to both dedicated and intergrated graphics cards.

Step 1. Start > Windows Administrative Tools > System Information.
Step 2. Press Components > Display.
Step 3. The name of your graphics card will be on the first, third and/or fourth lines.
Step 4. Copy whatever line it is on into Google.
Step 5. Download it and install it.
Step 6. Restart your computer.

Try a YouTube video out and it should work, if it still doesn't, check your internet connection. :)
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