Hidden browsing traces in Windows?!

edited October 2016 in Software
My father claims that there is some cache in Windows that records all internet activity. No matter which browser I use, whether I use private mode or just delete the history, my father seems to be able to see everything that I do on my mother's laptop. This once resulted in me being punished because I was taking brakes from studying in order to post on Cemetech (my parents were out whole day). If someone could please tell me how this works, how to delete the 'traces', and whether Opera's built-in VPN will keep me protected. I really can't live without using the internet at every possible opportunity, so help with this issue would really mean alot to me and would also allow me to be more active on WinBoards.

Best regards,

P.S The Laptop in question is running Windows 10 Home w/ latest updates.


  • Well, that's Windows 10 for you I'm afraid, unless you can turn off its "tracking" if it hasn't yet.
  • Bry89 wrote:
    Well, that's Windows 10 for you I'm afraid, unless you can turn off its "tracking" if it hasn't yet.

    Yup. Need to downgrade - only way. How? Piracy, that's how.
  • With this known, imagine an employer finding out what one of his workers has been up to with his back turned... Microsoft, get your act together. Seriously.
  • Before you make any judgements, first, try to see if your father is literally just coming up with random shit in order to stop you from using the computer. Can he tell at what time you last went to a specific website? And second, make sure he isn't just spying from behind your back.

    Anyway, assuming that what you're saying is true, and your father IS spying your activity, check what is causing this. There might actually be tracking software or screen monitoring software installed on your computer. If you can confirm that there is NO 3rd-party app or system preference set to measure activity, then disable all the Windows 10 spying features. Just go to settings, privacy, and disable virtually everything (unless you can guarantee that causes no problem).

    Finally, it could be that your father has set the spying thing on the router, in which case you can just go to the router's control panel and check the settings and stuff. I don't think VPN would help though in this case since it's still going through your router.

    Anyway, I'm out of ideas. Hopefully you get your issue fixed.
  • Kurtisdede wrote:
    Bry89 wrote:
    Well, that's Windows 10 for you I'm afraid, unless you can turn off its "tracking" if it hasn't yet.

    Yup. Need to downgrade - only way. How? Piracy, that's how.

    What does robbing boats have to do with windows?

    Anyways if you want to get Windows 7 without using torrents or file-sharing-is-caring sites, well windows 7 discs and serials are cheap.
  • Well, i have a PC with Win7 that I am allowed to use during the school year for on 1.5 hours per week (summer usage is unlimited) and has a seperate ''snail-speed'' connection. I am not allowed to mess with the OS on my mom's laptop (this laptop refuses win7 anyway). The VPN probably hides WHAT I DO, but will not prevent internet usage from being detected. The router (Cisco EPC3925 using EuroDOCSIS 3.0) has a username and password. Could someone tell me how to disable tracking and where windows holds record files?
  • pcgheek wrote:
    my father seems to be able to see everything that I do on my mother's laptop


    If you're young enough for your dad to be concerned whether or not you're studying, then I'd probably suggest that trying to outsmart your parents isn't going to end well. Enjoy being grounded.

    Secondly, I'd take a guess he has no concrete proof either way as to what you're doing. However parents always know what their kids are up to, and only kids themselves are able to fool themselves otherwise. He knows you're probably not doing any studying, in the same way he probably knows you've been watching porn, drinking, smoking, or whatever other depraved act the teens are doing this week.
  • Fucking Windows 10 conspiracy theories - yes it does report statistics to MS but nothing in-depth and plus it's all private.

    If you're barred from using the net then unless you can find another PC to tunnel through (which even then would show up as LAN usage) then there's nothing you can do apart from ask your parents to stop being overprotective idiots.

    You'd be best off getting a cheapo 3G dongle and SIM - I know Three in the UK do a 200MB data sim that lasts forever and resets use every month for £0.99. 3G dongles, at least in the UK, are available at a local entertainment shop called "CeX". Either that or just buy a cheapo smartphone and tether it.

    Otherwise, resetting the router's admin password is easy - on BT routers for example it is just a pin in the back, D-Link is also similar.

    But hey, if your parents set restrictions it's best not to break them, and instead actually discuss with them. You don't want your internet access cut altogether.
  • 1607 wrote:
    Fucking Windows 10 conspiracy theories - yes it does report statistics to MS but nothing in-depth and plus it's all private.
    So you have the documentation detailing exactly what they are sending and when and/or source code? And someone is holding them to that documentation?
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    1607 wrote:
    Fucking Windows 10 conspiracy theories - yes it does report statistics to MS but nothing in-depth and plus it's all private.
    So you have the documentation detailing exactly what they are sending and when and/or source code? And someone is holding them to that documentation?
    Obviously not, but I trust them. Keep all the options off and Windows 10 isn't that bad.

    But anyway, that's kinda unrelated - it's definitely not Windows 10 reporting OP's browsing activity to his parents lol
  • 1607 wrote:
    it's definitely not Windows 10 reporting OP's browsing activity to his parents lol
    I wouldn't say that, When I used Windows 10, I got a popup saying "Adults in your family can view reports on what you do on this device" every time I logged in, And I'd get an email showing exactly what I did on my computer, And I talked to my dad about it and he said that this is not supposed to happen, I wonder if the same thing is going on with the OP.
  • 1607 wrote:
    it's definitely not Windows 10 reporting OP's browsing activity to his parents lol
    I wouldn't say that, When I used Windows 10, I got a popup saying "Adults in your family can view reports on what you do on this device" every time I logged in, And I'd get an email showing exactly what I did on my computer, And I talked to my dad about it and he said that this is not supposed to happen, I wonder if the same thing is going on with the OP.
    Are you serious? Well, I guess it's safe to say now that Microsoft has really dug themselves a much deeper hole, if that's how it's going to be.
  • Windows 10 will enable parental control by default, if your Microsoft account is a child account to a parent account. You need to log into the parent account and disable this.
  • Bry89 wrote:
    1607 wrote:
    it's definitely not Windows 10 reporting OP's browsing activity to his parents lol
    I wouldn't say that, When I used Windows 10, I got a popup saying "Adults in your family can view reports on what you do on this device" every time I logged in, And I'd get an email showing exactly what I did on my computer, And I talked to my dad about it and he said that this is not supposed to happen, I wonder if the same thing is going on with the OP.
    Are you serious? Well, I guess it's safe to say now that Microsoft has really dug themselves a much deeper hole, if that's how it's going to be.

    That's not digging themselves into a hole, it's providing useful features to parents that want to have more control over what their child does on the computer.
  • Maybe so, but I personally think that's a bit too extreme. I mean, ISPs already do this kind of job, so why should an OS do it also? Just saying.
  • 1607 wrote:
    SomeGuy wrote:
    1607 wrote:
    Fucking Windows 10 conspiracy theories - yes it does report statistics to MS but nothing in-depth and plus it's all private.
    So you have the documentation detailing exactly what they are sending and when and/or source code? And someone is holding them to that documentation?
    Obviously not, but I trust them. Keep all the options off and Windows 10 isn't that bad.

    But anyway, that's kinda unrelated - it's definitely not Windows 10 reporting OP's browsing activity to his parents lol

    No one likes Windows 10. I looked at the OS marketshare thing and people have actually been DOWNGRADING from Windows 10.
    Last month Win10 was %22.99, win7 %47
    Now, Win10 is %22.50, win7 is %48 - Windows 10 is just garbage. Stop trying to defend it. This is one of the MANY reasons Windows 10 is absolute trash.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    Bry89 wrote:
    1607 wrote:
    it's definitely not Windows 10 reporting OP's browsing activity to his parents lol
    I wouldn't say that, When I used Windows 10, I got a popup saying "Adults in your family can view reports on what you do on this device" every time I logged in, And I'd get an email showing exactly what I did on my computer, And I talked to my dad about it and he said that this is not supposed to happen, I wonder if the same thing is going on with the OP.
    Are you serious? Well, I guess it's safe to say now that Microsoft has really dug themselves a much deeper hole, if that's how it's going to be.

    That's not digging themselves into a hole, it's providing useful features to parents that want to have more control over what their child does on the computer.

    Sadly there's a lot of shitty parents out there and there are a lot of LGBT youth who will use the internet looking for advice, and now their parents can spy on them; When these shitty parents find out their kids are gay, they'll react violently for sure.
  • dosbox wrote:
    Sadly there's a lot of shitty parents out there and there are a lot of LGBT youth who will use the internet looking for advice, and now their parents can spy on them; When these shitty parents find out their kids are gay, they'll react violently for sure.

    ^ That's a very good point. As someone on the LGBT spectrum myself with a dad who wouldn't be very accepting if he found out - I would be pissed off if my computer had sent my browsing history to my father, although I'm old enough that I have my own computers that I paid for and have my own passwords set that they don't know.

    But either way, let's say OP is 8 or 9 years old (This isn't saying that he's younger than like even 16, it's just an example), in that case parental controls/reports are a good thing. You don't want your kids accidentally wandering off into weird parts of the internet (*cough* 4chan *cough*) and getting scarred for life when they see something like goatse.

    Either way, Parental Controls can be a good and bad thing, but the useless paranoia over windows 10 is just dumb (Not saying anything towards dosbox who I quoted, just talking about certain other people in this thread). If I remember correctly Windows 7 also had parental controls, and even if it didn't they could just install a program like safe eyes or something. (When I was around 7 years old or so and had an XP machine my dad installed that on my computer. Perfectly reasonable seeing as I was seven)
  • dosbox wrote:
    Sadly there's a lot of shitty parents out there and there are a lot of LGBT youth who will use the internet looking for advice, and now their parents can spy on them; When these shitty parents find out their kids are gay, they'll react violently for sure.
    I'm just going to throw out here that there are a also few other things that can set off bad parents, such as not agreeing with their retarded religious beliefs. Like it or not, some parents need to realize that they created a *person* rather than a personal robot slave.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    dosbox wrote:
    Sadly there's a lot of shitty parents out there and there are a lot of LGBT youth who will use the internet looking for advice, and now their parents can spy on them; When these shitty parents find out their kids are gay, they'll react violently for sure.
    I'm just going to throw out here that there are a also few other things that can set off bad parents, such as not agreeing with their retarded religious beliefs. Like it or not, some parents need to realize that they created a *person* rather than a personal robot slave.

    I completely agree, but you need to telling all these parents that.
  • As far as the whole Windows 10 bashing goes, this crap seriously happens every time a new Windows comes out. People bash the new version and praise the old version. All the people that are like, "OMG WINDOWS 10 SUX! WINDOWS 7 4EVA!" were bashing Windows 7 a few years ago and swearing that XP would never die.

    There are some legitimate concerns about Windows 10 and some poor choices which will hopefully bite MS in the ass later... but they'll fix it eventually and everyone will forget about it. In MS's eyes, Windows 10 has been a success. Maybe not quite as many installs as they were originally hoping for, but still quite a bit.
    Bry89 wrote:
    Maybe so, but I personally think that's a bit too extreme. I mean, ISPs already do this kind of job, so why should an OS do it also? Just saying.

    Because the ISP is not going to hand over log data to its customers just so they can spy on their kids. Besides which, that's a lot of data to sort through. Do you really expect parents to sift through log data and filter out by protocol to get the stuff they're interested in?

    Furthermore, the ISPs not going to be able to distinguish between different computers in your home. So you'd better be sure that the kid was the only one using the connection at the time... and if this were 1995, that would be a safe assumption... but it's not. It's 2016 and it's pretty damn rare to have only one computer accessing the internet at a time.
  • BlueSun wrote:
    As far as the whole Windows 10 bashing goes, this crap seriously happens every time a new Windows comes out. People bash the new version and praise the old version. All the people that are like, "OMG WINDOWS 10 SUX! WINDOWS 7 4EVA!" were bashing Windows 7 a few years ago and swearing that XP would never die.
    That really happened? I knew that people bashed Vista when that was out, and rightly so. I was amongst those people back then but for 7, I just had no interest in it. Five years earlier before that came, the older generation however had once bashed XP would you believe. I suppose the formula is similar to when a new Pokemon generation is made known...

    Anyway, I wonder how the OP's father found out about his online activity and where did he stumble across it. The "Roaming" folder springs to mind but I'm not so sure.
  • Yup. Those people that loved XP originally hated it when it first came out. You can probably find examples of people bashing XP on this forum if you dig back far enough. And I'm not excluding myself from this. I used to bash XP as well and I definitely had issues with certain design decisions with 7... and 8... and 10... Usually I just learn to live with it.

    Sometimes the changes aren't bad, they're just different and it's annoying to have to learn a different way of doing something I've been doing for years. And sometimes the change is actually stupid and results in less customization, less choice, less freedom... but more mouse clicks and I get angry about it. Eventually I just get tired of scowling at my computer screen and just deal with it. After enough years I'll forget what I was angry about and then MS will release a new version of Windows with a new stupid design and I'll get angry again.
  • Ok, to get things straight, I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE OR ILLEGAL. I am only occasionally doing wikipedia searches and posting around on WinBoards. My parents just wanna make sure I am studying. Today, I proved that my mom's bragging about the new spy measures put into my Win7 desktop PC was NOT bullcrap: my father set up chrome to stream my browsing history into his gmail account. Luckily, I managed to remove this, so I am safe on my own PC. I am allowed to use my mom's laptop, but only during free time. Opera's VPN hides what I have been doing (youtube + WinBoards), but sadly doesn't elliminate all browsing traces. I wish I could delete all this crap. As it is, every IP address that I used to access Cemetech is on Cemetech's watchlist (I was found out twice today and propmtly banned again when the IP was traced to me (I will have to try again with TOR at some other point),my priavacy is COMPLETELY compromised. Any help with dodging net spy stuff would be helpful.
  • They're your parents. They can do what they please until you're 18.

This discussion has been closed.