Windows Powered ISO?

edited October 2016 in Software
Was wondering what happened to the Windows 2000 Powered ISO? Could that be added by any chance?


  • What exactly is "Windows 2000 Powered"?
  • Apparently, it's a server version of Win2000 where it's sometimes called "Advanced Server". Nothing else is special about it though.
  • This question keeps coming up on here and I think another site found that there was no official version, only OEM customization. There was a fake version that WinWorld used to have, which is still available if I remember correctly on an easily-findable FTP mirror of WinWorld, however it is a fake and not original.
  • Ok, there was an earlier thread about that here: viewtopic.php?f=49&t=8579

    Apparently this was just standard Windows 2000 Server (or Advanced Server) with a "Server Appliance Kit" merged in, but it was never distributed that way.

    Apparently Winworld did have this once, but it was purged a way while back with lots of other custom and hackjob ISOs.

    So no, that won't be added back.
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