Is it possible to put a z80 compatible OS on a calculator?

edited December 2016 in Software
I am wondering whether I can put some vintage z80-compatible OS on a z80-based TI graphing calculator (such as the TI-84+ silver edition)? I've been thinking about this lately and would like to know whether it can be done or this was just one of my wild hypotheses/theories that I frequently make.
Thanks ahead of time,


  • If it has a Z80, enough memory, some kind of storage, and a sufficient display, then someone might be able to port CP/M to it if they haven't already. CP/M was made to run on almost anything with a Z-80 or Intel 8080.
  • Of course, it needs to support the calculator platform.

    The TI calculators have a rich development scene, however. I'm sure there's a bunch of OSes available, or as SomeGuy said, a CP/M port.
  • This looks promising. i will discuss more when I have a ton of time. :)
  • Is there anyone here with enough wits to attempt to port CP/M to the TI84+ Silver Edition (6/15mhz dual speed z80, 2mb storege chip,128k ram chip size, 96x64 monochrome LCD)?
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