IBM PC-DOS 7.0 (3.5).7z problems.

edited November 2016 in Software
Under PC-DOS 7.x is a download called IBM PC-DOS 7.0 (3.5). I tried to install the images under VirtualBox and discovered that they are unreadable. WinImage, however, can read them, allowing me to extract the contents and create new images. Can anyone verify my issue?

However, the OS reports as PC DOS Version 7.0 Revision 1 which, as I understand it, is actually PC-DOS 2000. It appears I have a set of disk images which identify as rev 0. Would there be any interest in my uploading those?


  • Thanks for pointing that out. Glancing at that archive, the images are actually in some oddball image format that WinImage happens to recognize.

    I'll make a note to clean those up and re-upload them .

    I'm not too familiar with the later PC-DOS versions, but if that is a revision that is not already on WinWorld, then by all means sent it in.
  • According to there were three variants of PC-DOS 7: the original, which identifies itself as 7.0 revision 0; a second, released commercially as PC-DOS 2000 ('cause it had a Y2K fix), which identifies itself as 7.0 revision 1; and 7.1, adding LBA and FAT32 support, which was not released commercially, but can be found on miscellaneous disks like Norton Ghost 2003.

    Fixing the issue with the WinWorld set was as simple as opening the image with WinImage, clicking Image / Change format ... OK, and saving.

    I've found another installation image set in my collection which seems to identify itself as revision 0. If that pans out, I'll upload it. Not sure if I have 7.1 anywhere.
  • SomeGuy wrote:
    Glancing at that archive, the images are actually in some oddball image format
    IBM used high capacity (1.84Mb) XDF images as a distribution format for PC-DOS 7.x and OS/2 3.0. It uses non-standard sector layout and cannot be read without special utility XDF.COM (you can find it on the 1st installation floppy which has a standard format). Only one text file (README.XDF) should be visible and readable without it. To create installation disks on a real machine one should use special XDFCOPY utility.

    Images in IBM.PC-DOS 7.0 (3.5).7z archive are indeed malformed and incorrect. I'll upload correct version.
  • Yes, IBM PC-DOS 7.0 includes XDF format disk. (Disk 1 - Normal 1.44MB / Disk 2~5 - XDF 1.68MB)

    I know versions are dated as (11-17-1994) and (10-14-1995)
  • ibmpc5150 wrote:
    I know versions are dated as (11-17-1994) and (10-14-1995)
    11-17-1994 - US version
    01-14-1995 - UK version (UK code page settings in config.sys and autoexec.bat)
  • >>01-14-1995 - UK version (UK code page settings in config.sys and autoexec.bat)

    Oops, my mistake. Yes : 01-14-1995 is correct.

    I received your uploaded one.
    Yes, XDF images are verified.
    DSK format file is not dumped fully.
    Of course it can be restored to 1.44MB floppy disk by using LOADDSKF.EXE

    It must be converted to normal 1.44MB .IMG file to run on emulator.

    I'll attach tool from .DSK to .IMG later.
  • I made a patch from .DSK file to .IMG of IBM PC DOS 7.0 Disk 1 (144US1.DSK) by using xdelta tool.!H0UngJiQ!I5ub1vzmEsog ... Kvu_aq-B3Y


    1) Extract 144US1PAT.ZIP on folder.
    2) Put downloaded 144US1.DSK on same folder
    3) Run 144US1PAT.BAT
    4) Then 144US1.IMG should be generated.

    SHA1:3509f9d69cc057950f9e65a7d677d9b88c2b8700 / 144US1.DSK
    SHA1:129c2a335edb8f40660c85d13547e0b1b5caed3f / 144US1.IMG

    *IMG file is standard 1.44MB disk image.

    Another method is to use LOADDSKF.EXE on IBM PC DOS 7.0's disk 1 with blank Disk (3.5" 1.44MB HD)

    (/F option needed to write back to disk correctly.)

    Then you can dump it by using DCOPY.EXE, WIMAGE.EXE for DOS or Winimage on Windows.
  • ibmpc5150 wrote:
    Yes, XDF images are verified.
    DSK format file is not dumped fully.
    Of course it can be restored to 1.44MB floppy disk by using LOADDSKF.EXE

    DSK image is not "dumped". It is an original unchanged file. This format never has a 'standard' fixed size 1,474,560 bytes (unlike IMG).
    LOADDSKF (or MAKEDISK from PC DOS 2000) can write it back without any problem. It can be easily done using some emulators (i.e. PCem) or on a real PC.
  • @SokilOff

    So, I made a patch coverting file from DSK to IMG.

    Another IBM PC DOS 7.0 (Minor updated version on Disk 5) was dumped and uploaded on any ftp with Kryoflux dump. (Not mine)
    Of course disk 1 is dumped as normal .IMG and Kryoflux. (Verified)
    Only disk 5 is different from original release.

    I compared converted file (from .DSK --> .IMG) and dumped .IMG file on disk 1.
    (Verified! each same)

    P.S. I'm working to recover (restore) IBM PC DOS 6.30 (both normal and upgrade).
    Already uploaded images seem not to be dumped from original media correctly.
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