Windows BETA installer keeps hanging

edited November 2016 in Software
I've picked all copies of Early Windows Whistler on WinWorld. The first one BSOD'd about "NOBOOT DEVICE". Every single one after that just hung on "Setup is Starting Windows XXXX". I'm running these on VirtualBox. I've waited 20 minutes for them, and none boot after the Starting Windows part. What's happening here?


  • Not sure if you can change the date and time on VirtualBox. If I recall correctly, you can't change the date on VirtualBox. For that I have always gone with VMware. It has a "BIOS". With beta versions of Windows, you are required to change the date. These were released with the intent of being used during whatever time period they were released, not in the future.
  • jamie1130 wrote:
    Not sure if you can change the date and time on VirtualBox. If I recall correctly, you can't change the date on VirtualBox. For that I have always gone with VMware. It has a "BIOS". With beta versions of Windows, you are required to change the date. These were released with the intent of being used during whatever time period they were released, not in the future.

    I guess I need to use VMware. However, this is gonna be a pain because I messed up my copy with a hack, and I need to back up my VMs, and then reinstall. However, I'll do it for the sake of history. Can you also tell me why the first copy is BSODing?
  • You've likely got some SATA or incompatible mass storage hanging around somewhere, hence the "NOBOOT DEVICE" blue screen.

    Create a new VM set to Windows 2000 and try again. Also, disable ACPI, as it tends to break things in these early builds.
  • jamie1130 wrote:
    Not sure if you can change the date and time on VirtualBox. If I recall correctly, you can't change the date on VirtualBox. For that I have always gone with VMware. It has a "BIOS". With beta versions of Windows, you are required to change the date. These were released with the intent of being used during whatever time period they were released, not in the future.

    well i do use that also i use the latest one i have a volume license key i use UNLIMITED USE so try vmware workstation and see if that works
  • jamie1130 wrote:
    Not sure if you can change the date and time on VirtualBox. If I recall correctly, you can't change the date on VirtualBox.
    Well, you can't exactly change the date and/or time, but you can use a time offset to set the clock backwards. The command is:
    vboxmanage modifyvm $VMNAME --biossystemtimeoffset $MSEC
    Replace $VMNAME with the name of the virtual machine and $MSEC with the number of milliseconds (positive for forward, negative for backwards).
  • ubuntuxp wrote:
    jamie1130 wrote:
    Not sure if you can change the date and time on VirtualBox. If I recall correctly, you can't change the date on VirtualBox.
    Well, you can't exactly change the date and/or time, but you can use a time offset to set the clock backwards. The command is:
    vboxmanage modifyvm $VMNAME --biossystemtimeoffset $MSEC
    Replace $VMNAME with the name of the virtual machine and $MSEC with the number of milliseconds (positive for forward, negative for backwards).
    That's good to know. I'll have to use that one day. I don't often mess around with beta software, but when I do I find myself installing VMware.
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