linux repair help

edited November 2016 in Software
I installed kubuntu 16.10 on my computer today. After downloading realtek hd audio driver and trying to install it the way the read me file said. Now i can't do nothing. I have no audio and i can't download packages. When i try to download a package i get a very long error message telling me it's not configure right and i need to reconfigure manually or install package manually. I am booting windows 7 and 10 with linux. So i can't just format the drive and reinstall it. I am new with linux and trying to learn how to use it. Thanks for the help.


  • Ok got it repair. My thing is how do i install the hd audio drivers. I got a realtek hd audio built onto the motherboard. I got a choice of two different kernels. One is for kernel version 3.0 and one for version 2.6. I got version 4.8.0-26 generic. I want to get all four of my speakers to work. Thanks for the help.
  • Kubuntu 16.10 runs on the Linux 4.8 kernel. (From what I can gather, your drivers are too old-- they are for the Linux 2.6 and 3.0 kernels).

    :idea: Try with the most recent Realtek drivers (3.0) and tell me what you get...

    EDIT: You may also want to find drivers through Kubuntu's software update app. I don't know how specifically to do this (never used Kubuntu before-- I've only used normal Ubuntu), but a quick google search may help you.
  • Nope the driver for kernel 3.0 won't work. So i going have to live without all my speakers working under linux. Thanks for the help.
  • You should have this in your existing kernel and thus it's probably just ALSA screwed up.

    Try this:
    sudo apt-get --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound2
  • I get this error when i type it or copy and paste that line E: Command line option --purge is not understood in combination with the other options So i don't know what it means. I am fairy new to linux. Well thanks for the help.
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